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in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

So you are more professional than anyone employed at Microsoft? You must be so proud.

Β«En un Estado de Derecho, las normas penales no tienen destinatario en funciΓ³n de quΓ© colectivo hablemos, eso es derecho de excepciΓ³n. Las normas penales son iguales para todo el mundo.

Impunidad es lo que ha pasado en Murcia, con los empresarios que han prostituido menores y se van a ir de rositas, y por cierto, el Partido Popular no ha dicho ni una palabra. Eso sΓ­ es impunidadΒ».

πŸ“Œ Ya puedes escuchar la intervenciΓ³n de Enrique Santiago en "La hora de la 1" TVE1

Teach Access Releases Two New Free Online Courses to Incorporate Concepts of Digital Accessibility Into Existing Higher Education Curriculum – Teach Access…

in reply to David Goldfield

I only see a release from July when following through the links on this post

Archive of Assistive Technology Software, Manuals, and Audio Clips from the 1990s or Prior…

Share Your Feedback: Take the 2024 AppleVis Community Survey and Help us Serve You Better in the Coming Year…

Amazon Prime members can score 50% off their next $20+ Grubhub order with this code…

in reply to Robin Bedrunka 🐞

@fabia_man Jj nΔ›co mi taky vadΓ­, s tΓ­m asi nic nenadΔ›lΓ‘me. Dost uΕΎivatelΕ― chce z mastodonu druhΓ½ Twitter. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

My favorite USB-C cables are on sale today. They support up to 240w charging and are 10 feet long. 6 foot USB-C cables are always just a bit too short. Plus they have a built in cable tie. I just ordered a few more for my backpack and around the house.

This is an affiliate link so I get a little bit of a kickback.

This entry was edited (3 months ago)

Die ΓΆffentliche Mobilisierung gegen die StreichungsbeschlΓΌsse im #Γ–RR der Rundfunkkommissionen nimmt Fahrt auf. Angeblich haben alleine bei einer Kampagne auf Campact 200.000 Unterschriften.
Diese finde ich allerdings dubios. Die einzige Forderung an die MPs: "Sorgen Sie dafΓΌr, dass das breite Informationsangebot in Fernsehen und Radio erhalten bleibt!"
Zudem ist vΓΆllig unklar, bei wem man unterschreibt, wer der Organisator ist.…
This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to Kai RΓΌsberg

Etwas Hoffnung macht mir das Interview mit Natanael Liminski, Medienminister der Landesregierung NRW heute im Deutschlandfunk.
Er betont, dass es auch kΓΌnftig eine MeinungspluralitΓ€t im #Γ–RR geben muss. Zudem betont er, dass es eine ausreichende Finanzierung geben muss. Falls er dabei bleibt, wΓ€re viel gewonnen, auch wenn er oft im UngefΓ€hren bleibt.…
This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to Kai RΓΌsberg

Liminski sagt im #DLF etwas ganz Entscheidendes ΓΌber den Widerspruch der Γ–ffentlichkeit gegen die Reformen: in dem offiziellen Verfahren sind schon mehr als 2000 individuelle Eingaben eingegangen. Das ist gewaltig.

Bis Freitag kΓΆnnt ihr auch noch Eure Meinung formulieren. Das ist zwar aufwΓ€ndiger, als eine Petition anzuklicken, aber dies wird (anders als eine Petition) auch wahrgenommen.…


@Tutanota What happens with my, when TLD .io disappears??…

This entry was edited (3 months ago)

O vΓ­kendu nΓ‘s mΕ―ΕΎete potkat na @linuxdays u naΕ‘eho stΓ‘nku. Probereme servery, Linux, datacentra i dalΕ‘Γ­ tΓ©mata. PΕ™ijďte v sobotu nebo v nedΔ›li na #LinuxDays.

Realme P1 Speed 5G is coming next week, design and processor revealed - news…
in reply to iamdtms

Yay! Thanks xd. No tech site testing for me today though, it's calligraphy schools or something lols.


Fahrradfahrer:innen oder FußgΓ€nger:innen werden regelmÀßig β€žerfasstβ€œ, β€žtouchiertβ€œ oder β€žΓΌbersehenβ€œ, wenn sie β€žplΓΆtzlichβ€œ und β€žunerwartetβ€œ die Straße betreten, dabei β€žschwarz gekleidetβ€œ waren oder β€žkeinen Fahrradhelmβ€œ trugen. UnfΓ€lle β€žereignen sichβ€œ, es kommt zu β€žZusammenstâßenβ€œ oder β€žKollisionenβ€œ. Auch der RBB titelte in einem Artikel vom 23. September 2024 mit folgenden Zeilen: β€žRadfahrerin von Auto erfasst und tΓΆdlich verletztβ€œ.….

Warum das ein Problem ist, beantwortet Dirk von Schneidemesser. Er arbeitet am Forschungsinstitut fΓΌr Nachhaltigkeit in Potsdam.

#verkehrswende #sprache #medien #fahrrad #adfc

In-Process is now out, featuring all things braille! What's new, what's coming up and importantly, a reminder of the braille users survey! Plus, get your hands on the NVDA 2024.4 Release Candidate and all of the new features coming to everyone else shortly!…

#NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #Blog #News #Newsletter #WhatsNew #Information

reshared this

The Release Candidate (RC) of NVDA 2024.4 is now available for download and testing. We encourage all users to download this RC and provide feedback. Unless any critical bugs are found, this will be identical to the final 2024.4 release.

Read more and download from:…

#NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #Release #ReleaseCandidate #NewVersion

David Goldfield reshared this.

Unknown parent

mastodon - Link to source
NV Access
@cub80_appleby Not a problem! We encourage as many people as possible to test these builds, particularly as we get closer to release (as we are now), but it's not for everyone and that's fine. The more who can test it though, the more likely we will pick up if there are any issues

Just because… it’s beautiful. Tranquil, silent.

We can build the web that we want to see. Watch the recording of my talk from #XOXOFest!…

Whoops, git 2.47.0 just shipped with a significant bug in the `git maintenance` subcommand that causes it to segfault immediately, because of a gap in the test suite.

The git project is doing an excellent job of responding to this in an exemplary way: fixing the bug, amending the test suite, and directly questioning their dev practices to solicit insight into their own process blind spots. And they're doing it all in public.……

Well done.

in reply to Ben Zanin

And by the way, git-maintenance is a relatively new git featureΒΉ (well, 2020-ish) that lets you set repo maintenance tasks to run on a schedule, such as running `git gc`, more aggressive object repacking, even prefetching of remotes that move quickly so that your morning `git fetch` is already primed to run nice and fast, with a minimal delta. It's simple, very useful, and worth using.


Hopping on the releases train. #PhanpySocial changelog ✨

πŸ’¬ 5 new languages: Dutch, Esperanto, Galician, Italian, Japanese
πŸ› Bug fixes

Recap: Mastodon v4.3 features (…) already supported on Phanpy:
- Server-side notification grouping (opt-in)
- Filtered notifications
- Severed relationships notifications
- Timeline of public posts about a trending link
- Author highlight for news articles


Governor Gavin Newsom has signed legislation that will incorporate artificial intelligence literacy and media literacy into the state’s curriculum

Source: Local News Matters Governor Gavin Newsom has signed legislation that will incorporate artificial intelligence literacy and media literacy into the state’s curriculum
Source: Local News Matters

This cookie popup is unscrollable. Literally impossible to use on a large iPhone.

Fuck you web devs and designers. This shit is literally your job and you’re bad at it.

Since I only have about 40 followers, I would appreciate as many boosts as possible as it is hurricane related. The Iphone 14 and above has the capability to send messages via satellite. You have to install IOS18 then swipe down from top right to get the utilities screen. You can then do a demo by touching the satellite icon. Evidently it only works if you do not have cell data or wifi available.

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After 30 years, Canadian cartoonist Michael deAdder has been let go from the Halifax Chronicle Herald.

"PostMedia acquired Atlantic Canada's largest media purveyor, Saltwire Network & The Halifax Chronicle Herald in July 2024."

#PostMedia #canada #conservatives #cdnpoli #cartoonists

This entry was edited (3 months ago)

this is one of those intersectional moments, many of you white folks in #tech need to learn from

not only is the .IO a geolocated internet TLD based on British colonial territories;
the whole origin and dispossession of Chagos people is a read:…

what makes .IO extra sketchy is the creation of the domain itself:

so, .IO LITERALLY exists for EU/USA capitalists to profiteer from slavery, colonialism & genocide.


This entry was edited (3 months ago)

Netizens are torturing Google's AI podcast hosts…
in reply to Tamas G

This is the funniest thing I've heard all day, I say keep it going!

Invitation to Participate in the 200TH Anniversary initiative β€œBraille 200”…
