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Everyone processes grief differently.

One of the reasons people break up and families fall apart during times of grief is because the stages of their processing and healing don't line up. All of us need different things to heal, and none if us will be healed in one day.

So let people rant online if it helps them, let them make jokes or make light of the situation, let them cry and feel despair. All of those feelings are correct and "normal" right now. Go ahead and feel your feelings however you need to.

Still posting on Substack? Remember this is a nazi bar. It was all along.

And thus, my friends, the $44 billion for Twitter weren’t lost at all but rather invested into bringing United States’ wannabe-dictator back into power. Now that this goal has been accomplished, Elon can expect to be richly rewarded.

Oh, you are still on Xitter? Driving a Tesla? I hope you are happy with what you’ve helped achieve.

(A number of other US tech billionaires are guilty as well, but that’s the one who didn’t even make it a secret that he is there for fascism.)

This entry was edited (1 week ago)

Eat your favorite comfort food today. Be kind to yourself.

That's why we publish all our apps on @fdroidorg ❤️

🔒 Get the new calendar app now! 🔒

#FOSS #OpenSource #Encryption #Security #Calendar

This entry was edited (1 week ago)
in reply to Tuta

It will be good when the Tuta calendar app for Android is NOT marked as 'Untested' and "Unsafe' by my antivirus software.


The best time to push against the surveillance industrial complex was when it started. The second best time is now.

Super excited that eggnog season is back, yay, that means my favorite part of the year has arrived, if I can resist from over-indulging in it Locally here our Walmart had it as well as Albertsons

If you were eligible to vote and did not vote in this election, I have to ask: why? And, was it worth it?

I'm genuinely asking those questions.

in reply to Chris 🌱

Please be careful before you start shifting blame of the election results.…

As a Union Steward, I plead that you instead look to organizing, as freedom is a verb.

#Union #Organizing

This entry was edited (1 week ago)

If you're reading this, please live. You need to fucking live.

Survive, dammit.

Your only job, every day, is to wake up the next day. Everything else is secondary.

How does one de-radicalize people, dissuade them of conspiracy theories, break them out of cults? There must be books and research into this? Both at scale and at the individual level?

Second time this year I'm taking time offline, second time this year the world is on fire when I get back online.

I only see one solution. I need to go offline forever.

Important links.

Passport renewal (online):…
Passport application (in person):…
Passport renewal (by mail, needed if changing name or gender marker):…
Passport gender marker changes:…

Stay safe. Please boost!

is there anyone in my bubble of fedi who can put a friend of mine in touch with a New Zealand trucking company that's hiring immigrants?

she currently holds a US CDL with hazmat and doubles certification, so she should qualify for anything

Remember, France is already governed by fascists, and Canada is just an election away from this.

This all because people vote against their interests.

This entry was edited (1 week ago)

uspol, important, extra bad news

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America, if you want to vote in a misogynistic, narcissistic, fraudulent, lying convicted felon, you obviously know what you're doing.
Unknown parent

Sean Randall
oh sorry, that is a very old one!

And it's 19C outside. Don't expect things to get better.

Dneska se mi poprvé v životě stalo, že ukazatel teploty chladící kapaliny motoru byl mimo normu. Tomu autu jsem po cestě z práce dával ještě jak nikdy. Tak moc jsem spěchal domů. Až jsem si řekl hmm. Dobře. Tak zapnu topení na plno, ať to zchladím. Po příjezdu domů jsem zjistil, že se ta ručička sekla a po opětovném otočení klíče už byl ukazatel v normě. Nelze se divit, že se to seklo. Možná to na tom místě bylo poprvé v životě.
in reply to Robin Bedrunka 🐞

Moje první auto, které jsem dostal od našich, byla v roce 94 Škoda 120 L, ta vařila vodu pravidelně. Po vychladnutí jsem do nádržky rval i sníh v zimě 😀😀
in reply to Archos

@archos já měl Fiata 500, toho s opačně otevíranýma dveřma a motorem vzadu. V létě se přehříval furt, jezdilo se s otevřeným kufrem vzadu.
in reply to Archos

@archos Já měl první auto v r. 91 Škodu 100, to byl taky hardcore. Aspoň ale měla vychytávku - proměnný převod na větrák chladiče. Řemen se dal na léto nebo na zimu na jinou dvojici řemenic. Ale stejně se v létě topilo... 😅
in reply to 𝕆𝕥𝕥𝕠 𝕧𝕠𝕟 𝕎𝕖𝕟𝕜𝕠𝕗𝕗 🐾🐐🐇🐔

@OttovonWenkoff @archos jj a na chatu to 1 nedala, tak táta couval.
Ale 100vka byla naše druhé auto, předtím 6V Trabant (prosím ne 6 válců ale voltů). Táta měl ještě za svobodná Octavii co prý měla ještě části ze dřeva, v té mě vezl z porodnice.
in reply to GuloGulo

@GuloGulo @archos jj, staré Oktávky byly na rámu, to mohlo shnít půl auta a drželo to v kupě. Občas se vyskytla i dřevěná výplň. 😉
A těch 6V zabilo... 👍🤣🤣🤣

Toronto breaks 65-year-old temperature record on Tuesday…

> The last time the city experienced record-high unseasonable weather in November was in 1959, when a record was set for a high of 20 C.

community spaces. solidarity networks. free clinics. mutual aid. community kitchens. community clothes closets. solidarity funds. give-away shops. filesharing. community servers. tenant unions. sit-ins. disobedience.

humans are a communal species. we thrive when we're together.

building a healthy community is more radical and more effective than anything else you can do. never forget that.

This entry was edited (1 week ago)

Mam takovou kacířskou myšlenku.
Ještě pořád si myslíte, že ti normální jsme my?
Jako já vím, že se snažíme prosazovat bezpečnost, lidské hodnoty, spravedlnost… Ale zatím to vypadá, že většina světa si přeje něco jiného a za normální považuje věci, které jsou pro nás přes čáru. A není to najednou JEN Maďarsko, jen Slovensko, jen Amerika.
Takže otázka zní, nejsme MY ta zmatená menšina bez vztahu k realitě?


in reply to František Fuka (Fuxoft)

no, a teď babo raď. Většinové ano, demokraticky odhlasované ano, ale demokratické? Asi i jo, ale správné a lidské určitě ne 🤷‍♂️
in reply to Ivan Stloukal

Není to demokratické. Právo většiny není definicí demokracie, je to jen jeden ze způsobů demokratického rozhodování. Dalšími jsou třeba kvalifikovaná většina nebo konsenzus. Navíc demokracie není jednorázová věc, ale proces, který má umožnit nápravu rozhodnutí opět demokratickými prostředky. Když si odhlasujeme, že tu chceme diktaturu a koncentráky, tak na to jaksi opravný demokratický mechanismus není, takže i když si to odhlasuje většina, pořád to bourá ten demokratický proces a demokratické to tudíž není.

Music is a great way to get emotions out. First time making something in Reaper. No fucking clue why my sidechain seemingly just...completely and entirely went away when I rendered it, but whatever. Don't care, got a tiny bit of my emotions out this way. Any clues how I'm feeling yet?
in reply to Quin

hugs. Love how dusteppy that one is! Music is a great way to get feelings out and I'm glad you have it to channel into. Remember your friends and this little community will always be here for you no matter how this crazy world turns.

Note to USA folks, ❗trans folks especially❗.

A passport is:
- Fundamentally useful
- A federal ID
- Recognized in most state/local level contexts
- *You can change your gender marker on it through pure self ID, with nothing medical required*. "X" is an option.…
- Normally 4-6 weeks to process (faster if u pay extra); that means if you apply for one this week, you easily get it before Jan 20.
- Lasts 10 years

Perhaps apply for one (or renew it, to reset yr 10 years) soon.

This entry was edited (1 week ago)


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in reply to Chris 🌱

re: uspol

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in reply to Chris 🌱


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Categorically insulting all of America for what happened yesterday is toxic behavior, and any of those engaging in it now should be ashamed of themselves. Some of our votes don't count because of the electoral college. Some of us are disabled or otherwise struggling and can't afford to move to places where it might, or can't move for other reasons. Some of us don't just show up and virtue signal at the polls every 4 years--we're actively fighting for marginalized folks the rest of the time as well. Some of us actively have our votes and voices taken away. I could go on and on and on and on and on.

You want to grieve with us or insult leadership, or even criticize the ones who voted for that fascist asshat? Fine. But tell us all we chose this, paint us all with one brush, and shame on you, and I hope for your sake no one kicks you the next time you have occasion to feel grief and hopelessness despite your efforts to change course. And when you do grieve, I hope you remember this moment and these words, and that someone might have kicked you when you were down too but didn't.

And anyone who says "it's fine, we're just being hyperbolic" can go fuck their hyperbolicism, and themselves for that matter, with a rusty nail. That's all my social media contribution for the day, thanks for joining me on my journey of self-expression.

Choose gentle joy to yourself. Make that your mantra. Live it day by day and develop the willpower to be in a mindful, nonreactive mindset. That's really the best advice I have today for Mastodon. I feel your pain, your fear, but by not assuming and listening to our fellow neighbors, choosing optimism, you can still shape further divisions from occuring in this world. Now go forth, I've given many you a bunch of inspiring messages that came from my heart and soul around this.
This entry was edited (1 week ago)

Since this morning I feel I'm in an alternate universe where the time isn't flowing the same way.

We are fucked as a democratic nation.
And now Ukraine is fucked and so is Gaza.

The whole planet is fucked. I wish this was hyperbole, but it's not.

Susie Dent always finds the right word at the right time for the right occasion.

in reply to nixCraft 🐧

@nixCraft 1. bonus for the typo in the title

2. Lots of people have already found and asked me about the Casio fx-180P calculator on the table behind me 😀 (no, I don't use it)

in reply to daniel:// stenberg://


Semifun fact:
My seventeen years old son forgot his calculator with his mum, and is at this very moment using my fx-180P during his physics test today.

in reply to jens persson

@MrShark @nixCraft wow what a fun coincidence. I brought it out as a backup for *my* then 17yo son when his fancy graphical calculator broke earlier this year, and it has just been left lingering on my table since.

(now he has turned 18 and I fixed his TI calc by replacing the battery)

How did people vote for "concepts of a plan"?

Current PSPS (Public Safety Power Shutoffs) - customers already without power in LA, Riverside, San Bernardino, Santa Barbara, and Ventura County.

#FireWx #CAwx

#MovieThread V: Definitely Not The Final Frontier, Chapter Eleven — November Edition

From 2020 to 2023 I watched 1492 movies. This year so far, I've watched another 388, for a total of 1880 movies.

Numbers still check out.

This month:
* 1945 Best Picture nominees
* Actually starting Elaine May.
* Probably some Star Trek.

:beepboopone: Previous thread:…

in reply to Alex Daily!

Everything I know about Transformers is either vague recollections of the Michael Bay series or better recollections of several rereads of Shortpacked!.
in reply to Alex Daily!

🚗 #394: "Transformers One" (2024)

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Hi everyone. Headache still killing me. Asked my brother not to visit today. I hope everyone has an awesome day.
in reply to Bruce Toews

Hey, I'm so sorry you had to cancel a visit with your brother. Praying you'll feel better.