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#dobréRáno vespolek...

Dnes vám ukážu svoje letní kombo. Minerálka, smoothie a ledová káva.

in reply to Archos :distros_arch: :matrix:

@archos @PtrSrejber Jo no, lepší je právě nejdřív to studené mléko. Poněvadž horká káva ty kostky mnohem rychleji rozpouští a pak to není ledové, ale vlažné a bez ledu.
in reply to Zdenda Sazovský

@sazy @archos
Tak jsem to právě dělal , když jsem pracoval v kavárně. Led studené mléko, espresso, protřepat v šejkru a nakonec vanilkovou zmrzlinu. Ve skle do vypadalo moc dobře...

Non-Google search engines blocked from showing recent Reddit results

The Physical Keyboard Challenge: Evaluating the Experience of Using an Android Tablet with an External Keyboard - Accessible Android…

I need as many words, in as many languages as I can find, for the word or concept of quiet, that me and others can think of. I started with Latin because I am weird like that, and kind of want to learn it, even though it's useless. But if anyone can think of weird ways to say Quiet. #curious
in reply to ElementalEcho

Haha, sounds like me. Okay, so in Bulgarian quiet as an adverb is „тихо„ and silence starts with the same two letters.

This is a fresh 4K remaster of one of the most brilliant movies I have ever seen.
A+ sci-fi story with breathtaking hand-drawn visuals by a French-Hungarian team from '82.

If you get a chance, watch it.…

Holy shit, for the first time in 4 months I recorded a vocal track with harmonies that I don't immediately want to delete and kill it with fire.
Progressing with my singing, like for everything in life, takes time, dedication, patience, and consistency.
No fancy gears, no shortcuts, no "trying to find the perfect setup", I just needed to get down to work and practice consistently.
Who knew I could call myself a singer at 40.

in reply to Tuta

Honestly, I'm one more stupid decision by Proton away from switching to Tuta...
in reply to Tuta

tbh i kinda like mail, contacts, cal all in one app. All neatly placed in one app, so convenient. I hope you make this opt in and not remove cal from tuta mail app.

1Password is ISO 27001 certified — and more…

Laura Medcalf’s Legacy…

TranscribeGlass™ Brings Captions to the Forefront…

Abbott Warns Small Number of FreeStyle Libre 3 Sensors May Give Inaccurate Readings…

I Tried Improving My Sleep Quality With the Manta Sound Sleep Mask. Here's What Happened…

@Tutanota Hola guys! Love Tuta, but android client v235.250712.0 stopped working. It loops through all of the init steps forever. (Stocking tuta fridge?) Any idea what is wrong?
in reply to William B Peckham

Thanks for letting us know. Typically this occurs due to a poor connection. Are you encountering this issue when using WiFi or mobile data?
in reply to Tuta

WiFi, and my signal is strong and connections to everything else very good. Also, my Linux desktop on the same Wi-Fi network 6 inches away works just fine. It is only the Android client that seems affected.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Tuta

I have tested and found that it never gets to the point of saving my credentials. Again, the Linux desktop client works just fine, it is only the Android client that is problematic. Is there any information I can provide you that might help?

PSA: if you're in infosec red teaming an evil maid attack and you are not wearing a maid outfit while doing so, you may not be in full compliance with security standards and best practices

do remember that some industry regulators additionally require testing with cat ears for full certification. some organisations opt to further demonstrate protection against against the ‘moe moe kyun~’ blessing of a machine to auditors, but this is not currently mandatory under any scheme

As of this morning, WhatsApp Beta for Windows seems to display times like 3:35 as 3∶35. What's the what, man?

Interview with Jessica Hipp, the COO of WayAround…

New scraper just dropped (well, an old scraper was renamed):

Facebook/Meta updated its robots.txt entry for opting out of GenAI data scraping. If you blocked FacebookBot before, you should block meta-externalagent now:

User-Agent: meta-externalagent
Disallow: /

Official references:

#RobotsTxt #Scraper

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Seirdy reshared this.

in reply to Seirdy

Obligatory “the W3C/EU effort for a standard TDM Reservation Protocol would solve this by letting sites globally opt out of datamining for purposes like this, without having to play robots.txt whack-a-mole”.

People really ought to support the NoAI and NoImageAI X-Robots tags in the meantime. They probably won’t, though. Unlike the TDM Reservation Protocol, there’s no legal incentive to do so; unlike noindex, there’s no self-interested reason to do so (noindex is often used on pages that don’t belong in search results, like duplicates and non-public pages).

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Seirdy reshared this.

Sensitive content

🇨🇭 Switzerland now requires all government software to be open source - @ZDNet

「 This new law requires all public bodies to disclose the source code of software developed by or for them unless third-party rights or security concerns prevent it. This "public money, public code" approach aims to enhance government operations' transparency, security, and efficiency 」…

#switzerland #opensource

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Let me preface this by saying that I do absolutely believe the world would be better if Windows were Free Software, but… is a very odd post. The failure was due to a bug in Crowdstrike's code when fed invalid data, resulting in uninitialised memory being interpreted as a valid pointer value, which exploded when dereferenced. Having more access to the Windows source code wouldn't have helped here. If the argument is that *Crowdstrike* should be Free Software, sure!

if you put enough autistic tgirls in a video call together it will inevitably turn into show & tell

Hungry, but it's too late to eat. I suppose I could have some sunflower seeds, but I should be in bed, sleeping. Should doesn't always happen though.

Fascinating read. The skydiver who survived a 14,000-foot fall…

Okay, this is part of my contribution to the idea of a monoculture on mastodon.

I'm Nigerian. Nigeria is about to go on a huge public strike, and I haven't heard anything about it here. Now, I don't blame anyone for that, obviously, but I think it shows the fact that perhaps there aren't as many Africans as I'd like.

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Dear liberals: not every social media behavior that you personally find distasteful is caused by Russians or Iranians.

What should I do about this backpack food box that was dumped in my garden?

It's a little worn, but not excessively so. And it breaks my heart to see something like this go to waste.

Also, whoever you are, stop using my garden as a trash heap, k thx.

in reply to Martin Owens :inkscape:

dunno about where you live, but here those backpacks are highly prized by delivery people. Apparently delivery companies sell them to them for way too much, so used ones are gold.

So when I first set up Windows on this VivoBook, battery life was absolutely incredible, reading 10+ hours. Now, after it's gone into sleep, I'm only reading about 7 hours at most. This machine has modern standby, and I've tried all the optimizations I can think of. The fan is also running a lot more now as compared to when I first installed Windows and I haven't installed any new applications recently.
in reply to Brandon Tyson

Here, Microsoft Teams is the worst application in resources consuming.
in reply to Cleverson

@clv0 I've done a ton of optimizations, and I don't have Teams installed either. I could see Teams being responsible for the most battery drain.

I just bought an old point and shoot film camera. As I will be travelling Europe this summer, then Japan in December, I want to try to take fewer digital pictures and experience a slower and more analog approach.
Also looking forward to relieving that feeling of getting developed pictures and looking at those moments a few months after I’m back home
in reply to Aleca

I'd love to go to Japan. I'm thinking about going next April. Do you know what the weather will be like when you go?

Extremely symbolic seeing the Refugee Olympic Team enter the Games in a boat


"If you drive a car made by General Motors and it has an internet connection, your car’s movements and exact location are being collected and shared anonymously with a data broker. This practice, disclosed in a letter sent by two Democratic senators to the FTC on Friday, is yet another way in which automakers are tracking drivers, often without their knowledge."

Lazyweb question for y'all:

What if I've been spoiled by the ability of the Mastodon web client to do a one-push-of-a-button optical character recognition operation on images, as part of the alt-text entry interface?

I know NOTHING about the back-end software, services, or APIs that power that. But I want it in WordPress -- a plugin to grab text from an image as part of "Add Media" operation.

FOSS if possible; sustainable software always preferred!

#WordPress #Plugin #OCR #FOSS #Alt #AltText