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Jen si trochu zahajlovat. Normalizace nenormálního prokapává českou společností na nižší úrovně…

(gửi đến người nước ngoài)

If you like the content, please, please, boost these posts and ask other fellow mappers to follow OSM Vietnam! There will be a lot of interesting content coming soon, such as:

* Vietnam's insane mapillary coverage, the how and the why
* Using AI to map buildings in Vietnam (very hard!)
* Adoption of OSM in Vietnam's ridesharing apps
* Current efforts and mapathons
* And of course, memes. Spicy memes.

P.S. do boost this post too!

Dnes za tatu na chatu 😀
Originál #birellovka to není, ale zase koláč od maminky, taky neměl chybu.
Tento týden se kilometrově dařilo, 310 km za týden 👍🤗
in reply to Archos

Hele pošlete sem taky něco. Tady už zase od desíti praží.
in reply to Kateřina

@KaterinaGloserova U nás už prší přes dvě hodiny. Posílám to k vám, odpoledne budete potřebovat deštníky 😀
in reply to Archos

Díky, tady je to potřeba už jako sůl. Jinak z toho tady bude akorát Sahara. 😔
in reply to Archos

To, co dneska ve Varech padalo nebylo na deštník, ale na člun. Vezl jsem v tom holky domů a bylo to teda ródeo jako prase...
in reply to Archos

No, tak já jel po souvislý vrstvě vody asi 20-30km a skrz sklo nebylo vůbec nic vidět...
in reply to Schmaker

Pár kilometrů dál a úplně jiné počasí :-) @KaterinaGloserova
This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to Archos

Mně se povedlo vychytat čtyři hoďky na #bike bez kapky. 🫡

A teď — ve čtyři — si v klidu mohu užít finále ženské #TdF, které slibuje náramnou podívanou. Demi Vollering ztrácí 1,5 minuty, ale holky čeká Alpe d’Huez a je to pořád Demi Vollering (byť nejspíš zraněná).

#bike #tdf
in reply to Pavel Kout

@pavelkout Já jsem koukal, že jsi byl :clapping: No já taky juknu mám čas a doma nikdo :-)
in reply to Archos

Ale ostuda — na Max (bývalý Eurosport on-line) k tomu ani nedali český komentář, zatímco k předchozím sedmi etapám ano. Přitom ženské závody bývají mnohdy daleko zajímavější.

¿Por qué se grita tanto en este país? Anoche nos tuvimos que ir de un restaurante porque terminamos gritando nosotros también porque no podíamos ni escucharnos.
in reply to Martín Pescador 🌍🐝

No lo sé, pero es una pasada. Además la acústica de muchos locales todavía lo hace peor.

Sushi is on the way.
This entry was edited (3 months ago)

New on the #LibreOffice dev blog! Extending the UNO API:…

We humans use if statements, for loops, while loops etc in our daily lives. We just don't realise it.
in reply to Seedy of Chucky

I mean, we put them into our programming languages to begin with...

7 Essential Linux Terms Explained: Distro, DE, Repos, and More…

Khronos reshared this.

Today's little annoyance. Google won't let me choose 100 search results per page anymore.

Buenos días. Con las vacaciones a veces no sé en que día vivo, y me da igual.
in reply to modulux

eso significa que te están sentando bien, y si al volver te has olvidado la password y tienes que llamar al CAU, entonces será la hostia en verso.
in reply to Juan CBS

Pues me pasó el año pasado. Como además nos hacen rotarlas cada poco tiempo... A ver si este año me pasa igual.…

Some great reasons to use LibreOffice instead of Microsoft 365

- It's Free
- It Works With Microsoft Office Files
- It Has Lots of Features
- It Is Cross-Platform
- It Keeps My Information Private
- You Can Sync Files With LibreOffice if You Want To

I personally have been using it for years, I love it. This article does a great job of outlining some of the reasons why.

#opensource #LibreOffice #software

Dnes v půl šesté odpoledne to bylo přesně deset let, co jsme ji museli nechat uspat. Prostě úplně zkurvenej slunečnej letní den.

Pixelfed for Android (v1.0.0.66) is now available on F-Droid!…

FediMeta, FediNuke blocklist

FediNuke/tier0.csv transparency update:

Added some new bias sources to replace a removed one, and increased the consensus requirement. This caused some removals.

No new instances added to FediNuke. Two dead instances removed:


Removed 16 dead instances from my larger tier0.csv list. After these changes, another 9 instances failed to meet the consensus requirement for inclusion without overrides. I used my override process to add back 5 that were of sufficient severity. See more about my override process: I can force-add instances that almost have the minimum consensus requirement, with minimal overhead.


This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to Seirdy

re: FediMeta, FediNuke blocklist
Damn, I was hoping there was some cause for celebration. Oh well.
in reply to timorl

re: FediMeta, FediNuke blocklist
@timorl the successor is on the list and has been for a long time, FWIW. I just didn’t want to remove the original until I was sure it was down, and it looks like it is.

A přesně tohle, TOHLE! Absolutně nenávidím. V pomalu každé obci je sběrný dvůr. Tady kousek je obrovský sběrný dvůr.
Ale my si řekneme NE! Vysypeme to do lesa.....
Proč do háje??😡🤬
in reply to Archos

@archos Strašný. Otec rodu musí každý rok vyčlenit rotu, která u něj uklízí právě vjezdy do lesa. Pneumatiky, nábytek, suť. Suť s oblibou sypou dál do lesa. Asi mají pocit, že se to tam rozloží a splyne s terénem. Nevím. ☠️

Choose your phone!

Your options are:
- company that seeks rent on every transaction that happens through the phone
- company that tracks your location, habits and usage to build detailed profiles on you to inform advertising
- custom ROMs that can’t run your banking app

reshared this

in reply to Steven Impson

Also, if you're blind, your options are:
Touch screen with rather good accessibility but still painful to type on and unpredictable accessibility bugs in each version;
touch screen with no real possibility of taking a call reliably in all messengers, plus dice game of custom shells that can rank from fairly accessible to not usable at all.
Choose your phone, yes, you're right.

Hey, those of you on - @stux runs this server and it's literally just him. You may not see his Announcements.

He's short a few hundred euro's on the server bills this month.

Please - contribute to help cover your costs.

This is not a big company service. It's not a Twitter or Facebook. It's costing a person money for you to use.

Please - pay some money to cover your costs. It's the fair thing to do.

Thank you.

Info on how to donate:

This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to Matt Wilcox

You may not be aware of the economics of Mastodon if you're used to Twitter, or Insta, or Facebook.

Please - go look at the /about page for whatever server you're on, and see who's running it and now to contribute, financially.

You are not the product on Mastdon. Your information is not being sold to other companies or advertisers. So your activity here *costs the person running your service money*. It's often a person, not company.

If you value Mastodon, and you can, please cover your cost.

This entry was edited (3 months ago)

So I can set a GFX-100 to shoot in 65:24 aspect ratio (the Fuuji TX-1 !) and this still make a 50 megapixel image. The GFX-50 would be down to 25 megapixel.

Seems like on the X-T3 to require raw+JPEG. (or just JPEG)

I have no choice but to appreciate the increasingly, creatively ridiculous ways in which Siri responds to requests. I just asked it to play a song by Fleetwood Mac, but apparently it couldn't be found in my Audible library.
in reply to James Scholes

I've run into that one before. My workaround is to append "on Apple Music" to my request if I know that the last thing I listened to was an audiobook in the Audible app.

Well, I need to close Mastodon down for a bit, but before I go, something I know everyone will enjoy and keep you in good spirits. Bye bye for now.…
in reply to Jonathan Mosen

I love how you rather quickly fly out of Mastodon right after subjecting us to this absolute torture.

Dear #Fujifilm, why can't I change the aspect ratio if I shoot only raw? Even my Olympus from another decade could do that.

All I want is the framing guide, and the crop info in the file. Like the Olympus.

But you have that "sports mode" that does it and actually discard raw data. So everything is in the firmware.

Is it weird to say that when I read, the voice I hear in my head sounds indistinguishable?
in reply to Wenwei

I think my experience is similar except for fiction, especially for established characters, where I hear their voices.

Voice Dream reader has been a big part of my daily reading for a very long time, so it's sad, and a big decision, to have finally deleted it. But I'm spending far too much time coping with the bugs when all I want to do is read.
I've come to terms with Dolphin Easy reader Pro now, and it does have some advantages, like syncing library content between a PC and iPhone.
It doesn't do everything VDR did, but it does most things I do most often, and that will do for now.
in reply to Jonathan Mosen

It's really sad what is happening to these apps. I wonder if the Blind community is eventually going to have to step in and purchase them so they can be maintained to the high standard we demand?
in reply to Doug Lawlor

@douglawlor Yea maybe, but selling anything in this community ain't easy, so finding a business model may be difficult.
in reply to Jonathan Mosen

I'm just about at the point where I'm ready to ditch VDR. It seems like no sooner do they fix one issue when another one crops up and I no longer have the patience to deal with it. I'm looking for a similar app that can also support mp3 files and so I'm very much open to suggestions.
This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to David Goldfield

@DavidGoldfield This is such a sad state of affairs. I did so enjoy the voices i had in VDR. I still have it here but do notice that people report more issues than enjoyment these days.
in reply to Robin Frost

@robini71 I really tried to be patient withh Applause. To their credit, they have been very good at responding to feedback and have tried to resolve issues that people have reported to them. It just seems that when Winston was the developer basic functionality never broke when going from one update to the next. I realize this doesn't always happen but this continual thing with feature after feature just not working as it should when all I want to do is enjoy listening to a book is just unacceptable to me.
Unknown parent

David Goldfield
@cublanco @douglawlor Ah, I believe I have Book Player but so far haven't explored it all that much. I'll have to give it another look.

Film cameras I always wanted to try / have but never did:

- Fujifilm TX-1 or TX-2 or Hasselblad X-Pan (the latter is a rebadger of the former)
- Mamiya 7
- Leica M6. (tried a M7, loved it, way out of reach)


in reply to Hubert Figuière

To that list I'd add the Fuji 617. It's a 6x17 medium format camera. 4 frames a roll.


Updated Guidance for Displaying Accessibility Metadata…

iOS 18: What's New With the Maps App…

Great new job training/placement opportunity out there for blind/DeafBlind job seekers wishing to get into Accessibility Testing! Please pass along! #a11y #A11yJobs #accessibility…

skip a #curl transfer

- If the target file already exists on disk, skip downloading it.…

This entry was edited (3 months ago)

daniel:// stenberg:// reshared this.

in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

Wouldn't a resume option do the same and more?

I could see where skipping files could be useful, but imho it's easy to deal with in scripts, resuming OTOH isn't and would skip files if the size match (possibly with a variant to skip if length can't be pre-determined or transfer can't be resumed...).

in reply to Thomas Guyot-Sionnest

@dermoth If the protocol and the URL support resume, then it is similar yes. Two conditions that complicate matters and might make this option useful to people.

in reply to Archos

@archos bylo to fajn, mám večerní vyjížďky rád. Není horko, na vodě moc lidí není a hladina často bývá jak zrcadlo.

in reply to Zdenda Sazovský

No mně brada spadla když jsem koukal na cenu 😀😀
Ale jinak super.
in reply to Archos

@archos pravda, není to láce, ale 20 za sedmiletou podporu s výhledem, že po celou dobu bude HW dostačující, to rozhodlo. Kdyby původní S10e neupadla záda, tak jsem ještě rok počkal.

New Blog: On The Defense Of Heroes…

reshared this

Everybody forgot Internet Explorer. Chrome is the new Internet Explorer. Exhibit

#WebCompat #ChromeIsTheNewIE

This entry was edited (3 months ago)