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well, after sleeping from 4 AM to 1 PM, I definitely know I need to work on shifting my sleep schedule back over the next few days. Maybe 1-2 hours at a time I can. Oh the fun.

NASA - Boeing Starliner astronauts on the ISS will stay in orbit for another six months amid safety concerns.…
in reply to Steve Herman

Boeing Starliner will fly back to Earth un-crewed, announces NASA.

++ #Eilmeldung ++

#Breaking Unfassbar 😮, Papier aufgetaucht....Verbot der #AFD rückt immer näher...#Hoecke #Solingen #fckafd

Bitte ordentlich verbreiten, also 10 Retweets 😉 wäre schon fein. Und ab....#FCKNZS #Thueringen

Q… via @mariadieerste@corp.x

I'm working on publishing a new version to F-Droid that includes:

Direct Messages
Tablet support
Customizable tabs!
Cool new editing features!

Composers in the 18th century: I’d like to thank God for my talent, and my patron for not letting me starve in the street this month while I compose a requiem mass for him.

Composers in the 20th century: here’s a fuck you to my ex boyfriend. I put it in music.

in reply to Emmanuele Bassi

Composers in the 19th century: I’m feeling ALL THE FEELINGS, and now you will feel them too.

Die Ausbeute am Fusselstammtisch war auch ganz gut, also an sich ein guter Tag, nur nicht für die Brieftasche. Und Essen, richtiges, gabs noch keins, nur die grossartigen Snacks von der Hyäne
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

"Der Einsatz von Luftreinigern in zwei Kindertagesstätten in Helsinki hat zu einer Verringerung der Erkrankungen und Fehlzeiten bei Kindern und Personal geführt. Dies geht aus vorläufigen Ergebnissen einer neuen Studie unter der Leitung von E3 Pandemic Response hervor."

Americké "príslovie" Boeing - not going! dosiahlo práve priam termosférických výšin.
Potupnejšie to snáď ani nemohlo dopadnúť, ale významným plusom je, že sa rozhodli nehazardovať so životmi astronautov.

From: @CT24zive…

On Ukraine Independence Day, we reaffirm our full support to the people of 🇺🇦 in their existential fight against the Russian aggression.

So far, we have supported the people of Ukraine by:

🇪🇺 providing close to €114 billion of overall assistance from the EU and its countries;

🤝 giving shelter and access to jobs, training, housing, and healthcare to, more than 4 million people fleeing the war;

🛑 adopting 14 packages of hard-hitting sanctions against Russia to cripple its war machine.

Let's be clear: Kamala Harris isn't advocating for price controls.

She's advocating for federal laws to stop price gouging and make markets competitive.

Prices are already being controlled in America by big corporations that have gobbled up markets and don't have to compete.

There are 193 items in your cart…
Well, crap. I wanted three things. Let’s not press the checkout button.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Patrick Perdue

@vick21 I wonder if there's a way to add absolutely everything that Amazon sells to your cart? There is most likely a maximum that will be reached before that, but still something I've pondered. Because I'm weird like that.
in reply to Just Martin

Maybe 6 or seven years ago, a friend and I were bored over the weekend. We ended up adding about 2.5 million dollars worth of products to my Amazon cart before we got bored of that. It took us about 12 hours. And then it took me about 4 hours more to delete everything from the cart.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Can modern screen readers read academic papers that are published as two column PDFs? Do they know how to separate out the two columns?
in reply to Simon Willison

I'd be really worried about both hallucination and prompt injection when using an LLM for document conversion, as an accessibility tool for blind or other disabled users. But the tools I've tried on this paper do worse than what you got out of Gemini.
in reply to Matt Campbell

@matt yeah, me too. The responsible way to do this would be to use Gemini Pro to create the first draft, then spend significant time and effort checking and verifying it, iterating on the prompts, porting across the figures etc

twelve years ago, a painter by the name of anders ramsell painted 12,597 aquarelle paintings of blade runner, shot by shot, of the entire film edited down to ~35 minutes. it took two years of painstaking work, all done in his spare time after work each night.

the video circled around the web for a few years, and quietly disappeared from every single site it was hosted at.

a few months ago i spent a few hours digging for it, and finally found a copy of the original file.

i'm not sure how long it will last over at IA, so enjoy it while you can. it is a true achievement. 🙏

#filmPreservation #art #painting…

This entry was edited (2 months ago)


Sensitive content

in reply to Boogaloo Shrimp


Didn't we realize what a bad idea content warnings were when the Christian war on sex forced us to create movie ratings? Or was the chilling censorship an inspiration for the guy who implemented content warnings?

Basically... yes, that is a very good question: what should people put a content warning on? There is no way to tell whether you should censor something. These people are requiring you to censor everything, just in case, all the while denying that's what content warnings are.

The worst part is when they work. You think people become more open minded and less freaked out about the littlest thing, when they're never exposed to it? It's our duty to fucking swear, because people who swear in anger or frustration don't deserve to be demonized by people who haven’t got used to seeing bad words.

That leads to actual legislation where people will censor file sharing, Communism, sex, peace protests, whatever the establishment wants us to fear. If all the good people use CWs, then I’ll only see bad people doing that, so what harm is there in policing them? Oh my god did you just distribute a publication about black people being people, in the 1800's? You're going to get innocent white children killed because you didn't content warn that shit!

tl;dr content warnings are shit. I have to disable them because there's no way for my computer to predict what's going to horrify me, since they're just natural language with no regular syntax, resulting in me seeing some horrifying shit which I don't appreciate. Tags are better, less judgemental, and not disgusting, vile censorship from people who should feel bad for thinking themselves virtuous for demanding it of others.

And honestly, if you’re posting horrifying shit I don’t want to see, why am I following you at all? Problem solved right there, no witch trials needed.

Estos días hay muchos medios dándole vueltas a su relación con la red del pajarraco, todos ellos tienen presencia aquí aunque usen más o menos sus cuentas pero hay uno que no: Público. Existen muchos bots, el que yo sigo @publico_bot tiene 1.200 seguidores. ¿Cuántos más podría tener Público si decidiera tener presencia oficial en Mastodon? ¿Cuánto ganaría en términos de imagen? ¿Cómo de mejor dormirían por las noches? 😆


With wireguard tunnels and the 128-bit address space of IPV6, one could build a free, global "private LAN" that anybody could join, and get free connectivity to anybody else on that LAN, no matter where they are in the world. No port forwards, no fiddling with NATs, just open up a port and give participating friends an easy-to-remember hostname.

This is how the internet was supposed to work in the first place, but this was ruined by the scarcity of IPV4 addresses, slow adoption of IPV6, consumer NATs, carrier-grade NATs and all that junk.

If you're thinking "tailscale", you're basically right, except with one global network instead of many tiny ones.

This doesn't mean every node would necessarily always need to accept connections from everybody else, it'd be perfectly fine to pop-up a Windows style notification every time you exposed something on a new port, asking who should be able to connect. "the entire world" should be an option, but "nobody", "just me from other devices" or "members of organization foo with role bar or baz" should be options too.

If you also gave everybody a DNS hostname, like machine_name.username.internal_domain and implemented rev DNS properly, this would also give you extremely-secure, unfishable, zero-click user authentication for participating apps, with no need to implement signup forms, accounts, email verification and all that junk.

This relies on the assumption that most connections could bypass NATs (like how Tailscale does it essentially), and some users on uncapped connections would function as relays when their connections weren't fully saturated. You could even implement a "banwidth pooling" system, where users would default to their / their friends' / their companyz' devices first, but could also buy (or perhaps even sell) bandwidth from the "global pool".

THe relays would only be shifting end-to-end encrypted UDP packets between participating users, so there shouldn't be any concerns from either a security or abuse-prevention perspective; marketing this would def be a problem though.

I don't know nearly enough about networking to implement something like this myself, but I really think it should be ppossible, and GOd do I wish this existed.

reshared this

in reply to Patryk

@pgronkievitz This still needs me to configure peerings though, right?

I can't just connect to it on my shitty network, have Joe Shmoe from Arkansas connect to it on his shitty home network, grant access to service foo to Joe Shmoe and have it work out of the box, right?

in reply to Mikołaj Hołysz

not sure, if I recall correctly I just selected few checkboxes and it was up & running, but it was quite brief interaction
in reply to Mikołaj Hołysz


If one of you have publicly accessable IP and can open a port then Yggdrasil would make a direct connection. When both of you are behing behind CGNAT or strict firewall then there is a need for some third public peer.
In both cases, you end up with bidirectional tunnel and reachable Yggdrasil's IPs to each other.

ich sitz hier grad so schläfrig rum… irgendwann so der gedanke… hm… irgendwie… ist mein onewheel weg!?

Today, as the people of Ukraine mark their Independence Day, let it be clear:

When Russia’s senseless war began, Ukraine was a free country.

Today, it is still a free country.

And the war will end with Ukraine remaining a free, sovereign, and independent country.

Tamnjong Larry Tabeh wraps up his @outreachy internship as a UI/UX researcher for @gnome…

#GNOME #Outreachy

If a refugee ship sinks near Italy, it's a tragedy.
If a super yacht sinks near Italy, it's a tragedy and divera risk their lives to recover dead bodies and, when that fails, underwater robots are deployed to recover dead bodies.
Not all tragedies are alike.
#Europe #RefugeeAid

Can you please tell me why do we keep subsidizing Elon Musk and his different ventures ? His annual income is over 54 billions. 🤷‍♂️🤔
Stop using our tax money to subsidize this clown!

Šel jsem se svým 70.letým otcem do nákupního střediska koupit nové

Z běhání po obchodě jsme vyhladověli, tak jsme se rozhodli někam jít najíst.

V lokále jsem zpozoroval, že otec civí na vedle sedící dívku.
Měla vysoko natupírovaného kohouta, nabarveného do
zelena, oranžova,červena a modra.

Otec od ní nemohl odtrhnout oči. Dívka zpozorovala, že
kdykoliv k němu obrátila oči, že na ni civí. Když už toho měla dost tak se ho
sarkasticky zeptala: "Co máš za problém dědo, tys v životě neudělal nic

Protože otce znám, tak jsem raději rychle polkl to, co jsem
měl v puse, aby mi při jeho odpovědi nezaskočilo.
Otec s důstojným klidem a bez mrknutí oka povídá:

"Jedenkrát jsem si vzal drogu a přefiknul jsem páva. A teď přemýšlím, jestli ty
nejsi ten výsledek".

ps. Když někdo nechápe #punk, je to #Sranda ?

Ich könnte ko…..…

in reply to ForrestGrump

Ja die schwarze Null steht, immer, auf Unternehmerseite wenn es um die Kosten geht die der Staat für die Ausbeutung unserer Ressourcen an die armen, armen Aktionäre und Unternehmer weitergibt.
Siehe auch Meyer-Werft, Eigentümer schwimmt in Geld, aber ist zu bedürftig um sein Unternehmen zu retten.
Aber wehe bei einem Bürgergeldempfänger wird unterm Teppich in einer Ritze noch 1Pfennig des Vermieters der Wohnung entdeckt, dann wird Betrug gerufen und der Bürgergeldempfänger bekommt 2Monate lang keine Unterstützung.

Egal, wie man zu den diskutierten #Messerverboten steht - was soll das jetzt im Zusammenhang mit #Solingen?

Glaubt jemand, dass ein Anschlag unterbleibt, weil ja Messer verboten sind? Wer andere Menschen töten will, wird sich daran kaum stören ...

Das ist genau so irrational wie damals, als man Selbstmordanschläge mit Bomben auf Bahnhöfen mit patrouillierenden Polizisten mit MP bewaffnet bekämpfen wollte ...

Beides keine Gegenmaßnahmen, sondern populistische Show!

Va siendo hora de mi #presentación

Me gusta leer sobre #feminismo #sociología #geopolitíca #activismo #arte

Soy programadora, diseñadora y publicista, me pagan por lo primero y me piden consejo del resto.

De día me siento mercenaria del capitalismo controlando mis ansias de boicot y por las noches señora antisistema.

Los fines de semana soy activista de provecho con mis vecinas.

Editora en Wikipedia, militante feminista y fábrica de purpurina queer ☔

Estoy aquí por el #fediverso

Das gefährlichste (& nervigste) auf dieser Welt sind verunsicherte Männer.

Hello world? If this works I'm going to be amazed. This is one of the most cursed things I tried to do in a while.

Found a bug in #LibreOffice Calc @libreoffice:

Column contains single-digit values and #N/A. Tried to use AutoFilter to hide any #N/A but show everything else. The #N/A still appears.

Version: (X86_64) / LibreOffice Community
Build ID: 420(Build:2)
Ubuntu package version: 4:24.2.5-0ubuntu0.24.04.2
Calc: threaded

Also, tried to take a screenshot of the AutoFilter but PrintScreen doesn't work when it's showing for some reason? Using Linux Mint

Just managed to drink a bottle of YFood. Something of a milestone. I also found out that Chat GPT knows things about me, gosh it felt strange to see it, kind of like being famous enough to have a Wickapaedia entry, only not! lol! I've been reading the whole Harry Potter series from start to finish during these last very bad days. Stephen Fry's voice is such a comfort, and I love escaping into the wizarding world. I'm on Deathly Hallows now, what ever am I going to read when I finish these?
in reply to Lulu Hartgen

I'm waiting for someone to give me fifty quid in Eleven labs credit and say, do some fanfiction chapters for me.

Lernt man in Herne, dass es okay ist seinen Müll in die Landschaft zu werfen oder was???

Gerade auf dem Weg nach Bruchhausen-Vilsen hinter uns einen Van mit HER Kennzeichen, der hat massig Müll aus dem Fenster geworfen.

Manchmal möchte ich echt Leute ausm Auto zerren und schütteln! 😡

Copilot, because GitHub wanted a reason to not fix shit as they are busy something nobody wants.

Gestern habe ich gelernt, dass am Hauptbahnhof in #Leipzig, verborgen hinter Bahnsteig 23, ein klimatisierter #Wartebereich für Kinder existiert. Die Klimaanlage arbeitet hier so effizient, dass es fast schon frostig anmutet. Doch die liebevoll gestalteten Spielmöglichkeiten halten die Kleinen bestens beschäftigt. Wenn sich eine Gelegenheit bietet, die #DeutscheBahn zu loben, sollte man dies ohne Zögern tun – und dieser Ort ist definitiv eine solche Gelegenheit. 🥶 #ReisenMitKindern
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Hot design take: the "high contrast" option in your app, website, or OS is not a good excuse for providing low contrast interfaces by default, especially when it's purely for aesthetics. The interface should still have high color contrast, and the high contrast option should provide even higher contrast.

*Looks at iOS and Android*

in reply to Matt Campbell

@matt I think it's Treehouse-specific, I used the greater than sign (>) followed by a space

BT Speak users, I'm very interested to know! What is your favorite use case for the device? I have been eagerly following the development of this since February, and loved putting my hands on it at #NFB24. From the demos and tutorials I have heard, and getting to see the device about a month ago, I really see the potential. I would love one, but trying to determine how it would fit into my daily routine.
in reply to Cullen Gallagher

I use mine constantly. In 99.99% of cases, it has replaced a traditional laptop.