aaron_h3272 - Twitch
Flying the PMDG 737-900 ER | EGLL (Heathrow) | OMDB (Dubai) | msfs as a blind pilotTwitch
So jetzt mal ehrlich ihr #Fedinauten da draußen, die ihr #Misskey, #Sharkey oder #Iceshrimp nutzt! Wieso nutzt ihr das, was ihr nutzt und was findet ihr besser im Vergleich zu den anderen beiden Fedi-Möglichkeiten?
Bin auf der Suche nach einer weiteren Fedi-Software, die ich mir genauer anschauen möchte und muss mich zwischen den dreien entscheiden.
Gerne darf dieser Beitrag zur Entscheidungsfindung geteilt werden. 😜
#Fediverse #NichtNurMastodon
Ubuntu Summit 2024
The Ubuntu Summit The Ubuntu Summit for the last two years has served as a showcase for the innovative and the ambitious.Canonical / Ubuntu Events (Indico)
jak vnímam co? 😳
David Navrátil (@davidnavratil@mastodon.arch-linux.cz)
Přiloženo: 1 obrázek Jak vnímáme svou inteligenci? Lidé v nejnižším kvartilu IQ své IQ nadhodnocují => Dunning-Krugerův efekt Lidé v nejvyšším kvartilu IQ své IQ podhodnocují => Imposter syndrom (SEI = sebehodnocení inteligence) https://buff.Arch Linux CZ
No zadal jsem vymyšlené. Co jim je do toho... 🧵
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📧 Mail: Vše nejlepší k narozninám, tady máte slevenky...
💢 😡💢 To si dělaj....
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📧 Odpověď: Tento email Vám přišel na základě Vaši platné registrace, kterou jste si vytvořil v našem eshopu 10.8.2023.
Tzn můžeš klikat na unsubscribe jak chceš, ale jakmile máš u nás registraci, budem ti přát k narozeninám se slevenkama.
📤 Tak tu registraci zrušte...
having input and outputnext to each other in the tab order is far more logical to my mind, particularly given that you can press return to send.
Thanks for this! I’ll see what I can do, can’t make any promises though🙁
In general, how big a priority would you put on having fewer tabs to get you to where you want to go? This is a place where WCAG falls down a bit IMO because it emphasizes following the visual order, which can clutter things up.
No digo que no tengáis razón los que decís que el gasto en subvenciones al alquiler habría que meterlo en inspecciones. A largo plazo, sería lo mejor. Pero esto, ¿que implica?
Para empezar, modificación de las RPTs correspondientes, para lo que hay que ir a negociación colectiva, obtener informes preceptivos varios, dotar las plazas presupuestariamente, y de forma consolidable (con lo que se necesitarían hacer modificaciones presupuestarias al capítulo I), sacar la oferta de empleo público (que es anual), convocar, nombrar tribunal, y hacer las pruebas selectivas, resolver recursos, llamar a nombramientos, dar tomas de posesión...
Si se hace en 2 años, es con suerte.
i grew up surrounded by people who read books by self-help and project-management gurus, from teachers to relatives. I’m critical of much of the overcomplicated advice that gets published by them. one of the only self-help or project-management mantras i sincerely believe in is SMART goals.
Any time I make a goal that I haven’t made sure is specific, measurable, attainable/realistic, for which I’m responsible by a given time, I fail. Silly acronyms that spell out relevant words are supposed to be bullshit but this is somehow the ultimate exception.
“work out more often” fails. “try this light five-day exercise regiment, fitting it into your schedule on these days, and write down what was too easy to ramp up next week” works.
“clean the house regularly” fails. “clean the counter until it’s smooth, at this time tomorrow, within 15 minutes, and reward myself with some blueberries if i finish in time before moving onto the next cleaning task” works.
With ADHD it’s impossible for me to be productive at something without obsessively SMART-ing my way through it. I’ve tried everything and this is the only thing that’s stuck. I’m amazed that such a silly corpo acronym for increasing team productivity is actually 100% legit.
seriously. SMART covers all the ways I wriggle out of tasks.
- “where do i begin”: specific.
- “will I ever be have done enough”: measurable.
- “it’s too overwhelming”: attainable.
- “someone else can do it”: responsible individual.
- “eh, later”: time-bound.
- “I don’t feel like it”: I went through the trouble of making a SMART goal, making a five step promise to myself to do something. I don’t want that effort to go to waste.
That’s basically it. All the ways I avoid something taken care of by one comically simple acronym.
adhd brains are an absolute joke. for real. like, the only thing I did today was to attach a time to the tasks. not just the day, no, a specific time and an estimated guess how long it’s going to take.
and that alone tremendously helped. omg.
thank you so much for sharing this!!
Seirdy likes this.
Accessible Mammograms - The IMAGE Center of Maryland
Learn about the importance of accessible mammograms for individuals with disabilities and how removing barriers to this life-saving screening promotes inclusive, equitable healthcare for all.Keyonna Mayo (The IMAGE Center of Maryland)
I am once again asking you to refrain from using “Zionist” or any variation thereof when you talk about Israel, its government, people from Israel, settler-colonialism, etc.
Because the way you’re using it is similar to how it’s been used as an antisemitic slur for decades and it’s normalizing that kind of thing in a way that will harm Jews who have nothing to do with Israel and may even vocally oppose the policies and actions of Israel’s government.
reshared this
Justin Wong made an awesome little video cutting tool called vic, using Chafa and Rust: github.com/wong-justin/vic
This is going to be extremely useful. Might even improve my posting, unlikely as that sounds.
GitHub - wong-justin/vic: Play & cut videos in the terminal
Play & cut videos in the terminal. Contribute to wong-justin/vic development by creating an account on GitHub.GitHub
#dobréRáno vespolek...
Probudím se s bolestí v krku a teplota co? Nic. No ale stejně se budu tvářit a chovat jako kdyby ano. Protože pocitově mám minimálně 38,9. Tak! Tak hezké ráno a ať je vám líp než mně!
And X1 carbon are overpriced.
Ward Christensen, BBS inventor and architect of our online age, dies at age 78
Christensen kick-started online culture by inspiring thousands of hobbyist communities.Benj Edwards (Ars Technica)
in reply to sam henri ghoul • • •Proposed spacecraft design by British Rail
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