Items tagged with: sharkey


Items tagged with: sharkey

Für den Misskey Fork #Sharkey, mit dem ich ganz zufrieden bin, nutze ich die App #Aria,

Ich glaub, ich hab noch keine andere #FediVerse App gefunden die so gut zu meinen Bedürfnissen passt und so umfangreich konfigurierbar ist.
Würde mich interessieren, ob sie auch für #blinde Menschen nutzbar ist...

For those migrating to the #fediverse from #Facebook, the experience can be a bit overwhelming.
Choosing an instance/server can be daunting, not to mention trying to match basic need with feature set. One thing I can recommend when inviting folks to the fedi is to gently get across that it's not exactly what they're used to. They have to be a bit more hands-on, since there is, for the most part, no algorithm.

From working in tech support for about 13 years, I learned that when introducing something new to the user, it's best to take one aspect and focus on teaching that to them. Get them a foundation, help them get comfortable, then move on to the next aspect. Education = empowerment.

Here's a list of the protocols I use/have used and my experience with them. I've done a little footwork, and made a list of servers by protocol for users to peruse. Courtesy of FediDB! I recommend going to each instance's about page and reading up on such info as character limit, location, instance focus, blocklists, and who they federate with.

One thing I can say for sure: My interactions in the fediverse - with a couple of exceptions - have been pleasant and rewarding. Fedi is truly a breath of fresh air when compared to the mainstream platforms.

Mastodon course, the most widely known of the protocols. I've had more experience on it than any other. Mastodon instances usually have a 500 character limit. If one is particularly verbose, it may not be ideal, as you have to create a thread in order to have a longer post. There are other mastodon instances with larger character limits. Again, best to look at an instance's about page to get the lowdown.

Sharkey my favorite thus far. Sharkey is a fork of the MisKey protocol, and has a rich feature set. It has a selection of reaction emojis, so you can do more than just "like" a post. If you're versed in MFM formatting language, Sharkey also has you covered. Character limits are usually higher. (the instance I'm on) has a 5000 character limit.

Friendica a more Facebook-like experience, and a practically unlimited character limit, Friendica offers a bit more familiarity to a fediverse newcomer's experience. It has events, calendars, and you can create groups, though you actually create a new page to act as a group. In all honesty, I find Friendica a bit clunky, but that's just personal opinion.

And that's my offering. I hope this is useful, and as always, if what I presented needs correction anywhere, please feel free to let me know, just be constructive.

#Facebook #Mastodon #Sharkey #Friendica

Ich hatte hier vor einiger Zeit im Rahmen der letzten #TwitterExodus -Wellen auf andere Social Media Plattformen im Kontext des #Fediverse hingewiesen, u.a. auf Firefish.

Leider wurde da die Entwicklung eingestellt, aber der #Misskey -Fork #Sharkey ( ist dafür umso aktiver. (Wie alle anderen Projekte, die #ActivityPub nutzen, föderiert auch Sharkey problemlos mit #Pixelfed oder #Mastodon.)

Wer das mal austesten möchte: oder bieten einen einfachen Einstieg.

Was ich an der Software besonders interessant finde, sind die Funktionen "Antennen" und "Kanäle".

Je heterogener das Fediverse wird, was die verwendeten Plattformen angeht, desto weniger Sorgen muss man sich um das Erreichen einer kritischen Masse machen. Die lokale Timeline mag dünn aussehen, aber die föderierten oder globalen Timelines sind dafür aktiv.