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complaining about Google Chat on Windows again, because it's one of the worst apps I've used that's technically still fully accessible.

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in reply to Alex Hall

complaining about Google Chat on Windows again, because it's one of the worst apps I've used that's technically still fully accessible.

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in reply to victor tsaran

complaining about Google Chat on Windows again, because it's one of the worst apps I've used that's technically still fully accessible.

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I had a nice few weeks where I almost forgot why I disliked Java. Today I remembered that I really dislike Java.
in reply to Chris 🌱

Anything in particular you dislike about it right now? I'm no Java fan, so I'm not going to argue. For me, the deep directory structures and checked exceptions would be among the top things to dislike about Java.

Someone took the take of "web designers should learn how to write html and css", which I very much agree with, into a "no, instead, designers should use AI to write their HTML and CSS for them" take and I just...

The point of learning how to actually build an interface in HTML and CSS is to better understand the medium for which you are designing. The AI tool (or any tool really, that outputs code) isn't going to do that for you, because they're too unreliable to do it well and correctly.

in reply to Tamas G

@Tamasg This is why I don't fall prey to the "it's going to take our jobs" fears because in the end, someone is going to need to know how to fix this crap. I mean, accessibility laws exist, and we're not at the point where generative AI tools that make coded layouts are a suitable replacement.
in reply to Heather Buchel

yeah, I think the big shift looks to be the notion of custom-generated UI or UI created upon the basis of orchestrations from sources, but that is a bit far off. In all honesty I'm hoping the silver lining in all of this will be a greater shift towards the value of those with lived experience can provide, regardless of technical prowess. Most likely though society won't realize it until enough legal disasters strike with the strengthening of equal-rights laws in countries.

Ač jsem veskrze pragmatická, přece jen jsem několikrát v životě narazila na věci zvláštní... třeba dnes v noci.
Utočili na mě děsi, všemožné příšery, tlamy otevřené, oči vyvalené, co chvíli to vypadalo, že je po mě. Fakt jsem se bála. Musela jsem vstát, rozsvítit a zaměstnat se něčím jiným, abych se jich zbavila.

Takže vytyčuji téma: tajemno... Setkali jste se s něčím, co si nedokážete vysvětlit?

in reply to Marie Glöckner

pred týždňom sa mi snívalo že som našiel opratých 5€ vo vrecku... pred dvoma dňami som vybral zo skrine nohavice ktoré tam boli dobrého pol roka bez pohybu... boom v tých nohaviciach bolo vo vrecku opratých 5€... nechápem.

I see that SiriusXM has launched 20 holiday channels today, and that some other US stations are already switching to an all-holiday format. Hmmm. Maybe I’m being far too conservative with Mushroom FM’s Christmas programming timeline. Hmmm. Rocking around, the Christmas tree, do da do, da, da, da dee…

OK that's a new one. A popover.

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Just a fucking ad. Like there used to be popup windows for.


Strong words about software development efficiency, scrum, etc

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in reply to imdat celeste [witchzard]

Strong words about software development efficiency, scrum, etc

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Today I implemented advanced style settings for #fluffychat with much more colors and the ability to blur the wallpaper. Also fixed a bug which made a wallpaper always look too downscaled


#RIPE89 was an absolute blast, we would like to thank @ripencc for organizing this amazing event. We met a lot of interesting people and had lovely chats. If you would like to watch @m4rc3l lightning talk about our RIPE Labs article series, here is the recording:…

#DDIX #Dresden @melody @m4rc3l