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So at work, we use Salesforce. The customized version we have uses Tabs across the page to change screens, a lot like an app. Right now, Orca can't navigate directly between those tabs.

So, last night, at around 5:26, I sent a message to the Orca mailing list about it. Today, at 4:12 AM, the Orca developer emailed back saying that she has pushed a new feature, where the tab group is treated as a list, and the tabs are list items. So, in Orca 47, or on the main branch, it works!

This is the kind of thing I mean when I say we just need to reach out and talk to these people. Yes, we'll get people that will tell us to do things ourselves. Yes, we'll get people that don't care. And yes, we'll get people that are actively ableist. But we'll also get people like the orca developer, who just needs to know what we need.

#foss #linux #accessibility #Orca #blind

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in reply to Devin Prater :blind:

I actually haven't yet run into the people who tell us to do things ourselves, don't care, or are actively ableist, in my work on GNOME accessibility. And bear in mind I've been interacting with the actual developers. Yes, sometimes they don't *know* how assistive technology needs to work, but they seem to be open to learning.
in reply to Matt Campbell

@matt I see just use the command line a lot for excusing GUI accessibility on Linux. That’s probably a popular past time for cited Linux users as well though. I think that is in the process of changing though.
in reply to Matt Campbell

@matt Well, that's a good sign. I've ran across a few people that were like that. But that was, admittedly, a good four years ago. I just don't want people to be surprised when they *do* run across that kind of thing. I was on the Debian mailinglist, and asked one of the people running for the... DPFG? Some important leadership position. So I asked the candidates about their positions on accessibility. Honestly I wasn't expecting much, just really wanted to raise awareness that disabled Linux users are a thing. So one person on the list was like "oh my gosh, not this woke stuff again." Rather disappointing, but they're definitely out there in foss as well as everywhere else in life I suppose.