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Items tagged with: orca

So at work, we use Salesforce. The customized version we have uses Tabs across the page to change screens, a lot like an app. Right now, Orca can't navigate directly between those tabs.

So, last night, at around 5:26, I sent a message to the Orca mailing list about it. Today, at 4:12 AM, the Orca developer emailed back saying that she has pushed a new feature, where the tab group is treated as a list, and the tabs are list items. So, in Orca 47, or on the main branch, it works!

This is the kind of thing I mean when I say we just need to reach out and talk to these people. Yes, we'll get people that will tell us to do things ourselves. Yes, we'll get people that don't care. And yes, we'll get people that are actively ableist. But we'll also get people like the orca developer, who just needs to know what we need.

#foss #linux #accessibility #Orca #blind

What #fedora version / spin should I install for an #accessible experience? Also what key strokes doI use to launch #orca or whatever engine is used for the installer?

The state of Unix/Linux accessibility is even worse then I feared 🙈 . Fedora has been shipping with a broken screen reader for NINE YEARS?

Orca doesn't work on any distribution that ships with Wayland by default? 😭 (thanks @aral for bringing it my attention)

Do all the distributions and such know that next year they should be accessible?

I can't code and I am not familiar with testing desktop apps, but I would really like to know how I can help to fix this.

(allthough it shows a bigger problem in open source and it's culture)

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Luckily the Newton Project should fix this…, but still: it shows accessiiblity is often an afterthought.

#accessibility #opensource #orca #gnome #wayland #screenreader

Even though the response was awful, we should not ashame fedora team.

I would be curious to see if there's any interaction between #orca and #nvda .
Fortunately, they exist on #fediverse .

Hello @NVAccess

So, what's the best experience with #orca on Linux these days? Is it still Ubuntu with the Mate desktop, or does something else work better?

Just spent today at work with Linux. Fedora's Mate spin still works well generally, and Orca is much more stable. And, according to Orca, the system never even ran over about 3 of the 16 GB of RAM on that Intel NUC. I set up Emacs and Emacspeak, Firefox, Bitwarden, VS Code, and never even took my laptop out of the bag. Of course, I really miss a lot of NVDA addons, like the OpenAI one, sounds for entering browse and focus modes, and the Thunderbird addon most of all. But I was able to log into, and use, Salesforce and Google Sheets. So now when I get a good workflow with Markdown and such, I think I'll just about, maybe, be able to start using it more. Packages are all up-to-date, Orca will alwasy be current, and hopefully I can one day move to a desktop environment with a proper notification center! Oh, and I'll have to see if Pidgin still takes up more RAM the more I use it.

Note that I still wouldn't expect a regular computer user to get into Linux, as far as setting it up. But, honestly, having the #BTSpeak out on the market makes me hope that more power users and programmers will hammer Linux into more of a shape that blind people can be at home with.

#accessibility #blind #Linux #Fedora #foss #Orca

I have been working with #NVDA the last couple of weeks and started using #orca on #Linux more and more. Currently using #JAWS with #Leasey. If you work in a #Microsoft driven office environment, you will get stuff done way faster with JAWS and Leasey. On one hand I like that. On the other I wish especially #Linux and #orca would work more efficiently so I can jump off of #Windows for good without loosing out on productivity cause of #blindness. And yes, I am willing to pay for leaps forward!

Wow. Setting up #Orca in Linux is really as complicated as they say

What an intimidating piece of software, the polar opposite of accesibility


Hi all. Hoping there are some #blind #linux users out there that can help me out. I'm using an old computer, not the one I mentioned in my previous posts, but a different one, and #Orca isn't speaking. I originally installed #Ubuntu Mate, but Orca was freezing a lot, so I switched my #DesktopEnvironment to #KDEPlasma. It seemed like a lot of things were inaccessible, though, so I decided to try #Gnome. I installed Gnome, chose GDM as the display manager, and restarted the computer. Now, Orca works on the login screen but nowhere else. It seems to be running, and when I run "orca --replace" in the terminal, I get an error about something only working with X11. I've been able to tell that by scanning the screen with #SeeingAI on my #iPhone. I need to get Orca up and running again so I can use my computer. What's the best way to do this, preferably without sighted help, as my mom and stepdad aren't good with #technology.
#accessibility #tech @mastoblind @main

@FediVerseExplorer @WestphalDenn I am using web version of #element in @Firefox by default however #electron based apps are now accessible on #linux in a similar way as they are #accessible on #windows. So I think you will like it. Also #fractal a #gtk4 #matrix client developed with @GNOME technologies is accessible with #orca.

@nah @fvsch @sonny @matt But here’s the thing: Wayland would never have been made the default if, say, fonts didn’t render correctly. Not having a functional screen reader is as big an issue for people who rely on screen readers. So at some point, someone at Canonical decided that it didn’t matter that people who use screen readers would be excluded. And so they should be ashamed.

#a11y #canonical #wayland #orca #screenReaders #accessibility

So @gnome is removing the x11 session, leaving just the Wayland one.

If this goes out before Orca, the GNOME screen reader, is fixed to work on Wayland, it will mean that people who rely on screen readers will have no way to use one on GNOME. And thus on the major Linux distributions.

So I’m hoping the plan is that this change will not land until GNOME has a working screen reader.

#accessibility #a11y #gnome #linux #openSource #foss #wayland #x11 #orca…

@Pietervdvn :mapcomplete: Awesome the live region improvements sound nice. The #accessibility user experience feels great to me. Now the app is working fine for me on linux with #orca running in both chromium and firefox. I haven't yet managed to test it on windows with#NVDA @NV Access
I am not yet sure, perhaps you can give me an advice regarding this however now when scrolling the map we are getting distance and the direction from the navigation point to the map center spoken along with three closest features on the map. Have we lost the ability to hear distance from the map center to those close map features?
I'm thinking the way it's working now might be usefull when used on a mobile device with the current location updated as I move around.
And ability to hear distance from the center to the map features might be usefull when browsing the map on a computer. In this scenario I'm thinking I would use the map center as a replacement for the navigation point finding out what I should do in order to move to a certain map feature.
Or perhaps this is already possible and I just haven't discovered it all. Can you please try to describe how you think it's best used?

The maintainer of the Orca screen reader, Joanie Diggs, has made noteworthy enhancements in recent weeks. I mention them here for the benefit of those who are not following these developments or who are not regular Linux screen reader users.
Many of the improvements are performance-related, taking advantage of the cache of accessibility tree nodes maintained by the AT-SPI service. Table processing has received particular attention, and fundamental changes are underway in the code that handles users' keystrokes, some of which need to be interpreted as screen reader commands, with the remainder being passed through to the application.
I have been testing some of the changes along the way, as have other users active on the Orca mailing list. Rapid and precise bug reports continue to contribute to the development process. At this point, it is reasonable to expect these valuable improvements to appear in a release during the first half of 2024, presumably as part of GNOME 46.
#linux #orca #ScreenReader #AssistiveTechnology #accessibility #Gnome

Hey devs around here: how do you test accessibility?

I've been testing #mapcomplete with the #Orca #screenreader today, and fixing some issues but I feel quite unsure about it, so I'p interested in your approaches.

Or if someone who's using a screenreader could help me test (in #ghent or at #CCC), that would be appreciated

¿Pero que es esto?
Pensaba que en mis primeras horas aquí iba a tener cero interacciones y está siendo la bienvenida a una red social más chuli que he tenido 😭🩵

Os dejo por aquí a nuestra amiga la orca Gladis, reconocida atacadora de yates, y me voy a seguir dando saltitos de gratitud 🌱🩵

#GLADIS #art #MastoArt #amigurumi #orca #whale

Dear @Thunderbird ,
I know you are changing for the better. However while testing Thunderbird 111 daily I would like to see some gradual improvements so it becomes ready for most userf of Thunderbird 115 in terms of #screenreader #accessibility once it's declared stable.

Positive things I have noticed:

We have brand new message list that no longer renders all the messages in selected folder at once but only those that are visible on the screen and ready for the user interaction. From my point of view it looks similar to infinite lists on mobile platforms. Most importantly it almost fully elliminates enormous lag when browsing huge message lists on linux with #orca #screenreader running. I was curious enough and I have tested imap folder with up to 75000 messages inside.

It is still possible to use F6 and shift+F6 to move the keyboard focus from the folder tree to the message list and back.

Message list has headers that are used for sorting and a popup menu for setting up visible columns almost from the begining of Thunderbird existence. From now on these controls are finally accessible to screenreader users. And we are now able to configure sorting and show / hide individual columns.

We can still use ctrl+shift+k to show / hide the filter entry. Also there are accessible buttons alongside the filter entry that allow quick filtering the list such as labelled messages, messages with attachments, starred messages, messages from addressbook contacts, unread messages, even ability to keep the filter active when changing folders. Some of these features were already there earlier but now these are accessible to keyboard users including screenreader users.

Now features that need some polishing:

It appears we can now open individual message folders on a new tab / in a new window however this feature needs some fixes. For example when navigating using up and down arrow keys in the folder tree, pressing shift+F10 first moves focus to the parent folder and displays popup menu for that parent item instead of currently selected one.

When navigating in huge list new selection is not properly reported to assistive technologies while scrolling. For example press end to move to the last message. Now press up arrow key several times to navigate back a message and notice how screenreader is reporting new selection as it happens. Now press the page up key to move the selection by the larger increment. New message is highlighted but the selection changed event is not fired properly or it's getting mixed with some spurious focus event on an unlabelled pannel. Some screen readers are able to filter out these but I think it would be nice to address it at the source rather than working it around.

Now the main window has a lot of focusable controls and it is no longer comfortable to use tab and shift+tab to navigate. It would be nice if buttons were grouped in a toolbar like controls implementing toolbar pattern the way it's explained at…

It's nice that ability to reconfigure message list columns is now fully accessible to keyboard and screen reader users however accessible name of each item in the message list does not yet respect these settings. Subject is the only content that is communicated to assistive tools when navigating in the list using arrow keys. This is major issue and will likely be considered as a regression if it won't be addressed before releasing the stable version.

When navigating in the list of messages it is possible to select multiple messages for executing actions on them. I am afraid the fact multiple messages are selected or not selected is not properly communicated to assistive tools. This is major issue for screenreader users.

It is no longer possible to use applications key / shift+f10 to inwoke a popup menu in the message list.