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Workbench 46 is out! 🛠️

Actually it was a couple of hours ago before GNOME 46 but I didn't want to steal the show 😎

Here are the highlights 💡

Inline diagnostics for #Rust :rust: and #Python :python:

New Library demos: 📚

"Snapshot" to demonstrate one of GTK4 coolest feature.

"Dialog" and "Message Dialogs" to demonstrate libadwaita 1.5 new responsive dialogs.

26 demos ported to Python
5 demos ported to Vala

#GNOME #GTK #development #Linux #Python #Rust

reshared this

in reply to Sonny

If you use, like or dislike Workbench, please let me know.

I'm always happy to get feedback and interested in understanding how Workbench can help you learn and build.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Sonny

Also - GNOME 46 release notes for developers has a section on the changes between Workbench 45 and 46.

Very proud of what we accomplished within 6 months of (volunteer!) work.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Sonny

I think it's a great idea for getting started and prototyping stuff, but as a C developer I don't want write python and then convert it to C to actually use it :)

I'm not sure how workbench works internally but maybe something like could bring C into the mix? But then of course I'd want my custom libraries and widgets and stuff too which would make things even more confusing.

At any rate, just some random ramblings ;)

in reply to Gary "grim" Kramlich

@grimmy C support could be added pretty easily. And would be a good addition for the Library which is sort of a Rosetta Stone for GNOME.

Importing libraries and stuff is probably out of scope but hopefully we'll bring the live preview to GNOME Builder. Then it's just a matter of copy pasting C examples there.

Thanks for the feedback

in reply to Sonny

I need to give GNOME Builder another try soon. Last time I was struggling with difference from sublime text and found myself having to write a number of plugins which is of course keeping me from working on the stuff I should be working on.

The one I remember struggling with the most was trying to add mercurial support and not being able to follow through the git plugin at all. That said this was like 2 years ago or so.

in reply to Gary "grim" Kramlich


GNOME Builder is seriously impressive but yeah it's hard to keep up with VSCode and Sublime teams. It's just a matter of time though.

Regardless, I believe we will be able to bring the live preview to any code editor / IDE (as long as the preview happens in a separate window).

There is a GSoC project towards that

in reply to Sonny

generally speaking a live preview doesn't tend to work for me except during prototyping. There's too much runtime dependent state in @pidgin to do live previews in most cases.
in reply to Gary "grim" Kramlich

@grimmy @pidgin same, even when working with JavaScript or Python.

I prototype/test/iterate on something small in Workbench then paste in my app.

What I'd like to have eventually in the platform is

* the right primitives to save and restore full app state across rebuilds
* avoid rebuilds when unnecessary (like editing ui files)

in reply to Sonny

@pidgin Yeah that'd be awesome. That said we worked around this in Pidgin by creating a "Demo" protocol that gives us more control over the state of the connection and therefore the app.

Ironically, that was originally created to have data that was always safe to use in screenshots (a problem that's plagued us for a long time) but then it grew into a prototyping/demo tool as well 🤣

in reply to Sonny

@pidgin about the demo protocol plugin? Looks like no. I've talked about it enough that I thought I might have written a blog post about it, but apparently I haven't. That said, I think i have my next topic 😄
in reply to Gary "grim" Kramlich

@grimmy @pidgin

Cool looking forward

Also, I realized you've been involved with Pidgin since pretty much the time I started using it about 20 years ago, and I just wanted to say a big thank you.

Pidgin and libpurple were a big part of my (late) childhood and FLOSS/interoperability education.

in reply to Sonny

@pidgin That's awesome!! Glad you've enjoyed it!

I'm really hoping Pidgin 3 will bring a lot of people back, that is if we can ever get it out the door. It's funny how long it takes to clean up some of this REALLY old code. 😄

in reply to Sonny

I love Workbench and I realise I’m tempting feature creep, but Gnome is crying out for a Libadwaita IDE. I would love to use it for web development, but without broader language support and a file browser pane — it’s quite tricky.

Thanks for all your work, it’s fantastic!

in reply to Thomas


Checkout GNOME Builder!

in reply to Sonny

Oh snap, how did I miss ‘open folder’! I presumed it was for GTK apps only — thanks!
in reply to Sonny

I've played around with Workbench a little bit.
- Syntax highlighting is a bit lacking, for example, functions and custom types are not highlighted. (Though this is also the case with GNOME Builder and Text Editor, so not Workbench specific?)
- Workbench is not (fully) adaptive. There might not be much point in making it adaptive or it might be difficult / impossible, but would still be cool if it was :)
in reply to Sonny

How do you spin so many plates? This is awesome!
in reply to Sonny

Could you please add the RustLang tag? 🥰