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Free Tools For Your Online Privacy. 🔒

Operating System
• Linux Based OS

• Tuta Mail

Web Browser
• Firefox
• Tor browser

Search Engine
• DuckDuckGo
• SearX

• Signal
• Threema

Password Manager
• Bitwarden
• Keepass

Enjoy the spring. 😎

in reply to Tuta

Videos: #FreeTube (Linux)
#Piped (web)
NewPipe (Android) (web)
in reply to Tuta

Hi. Why would I be banned from accessing your webpage with Android Chromium 119? At least give me a button to accept on my own responsibility that your webpage may not work on this browser.
in reply to Darth ŠČ! :t_blink:

@darth Could you try to update your browser or change privacy Settings? Possibly this helps:
in reply to Tuta

I don't recommend duckduckgo since they have gotten in trouble several times for sharing data with microsoft.
in reply to Tuta

I prefer brave to Firefox for most stuff, it randomised you'll fingerprint which ff doesn't. Still like ff and most of the rest of your list though.
in reply to Tuta

Can you rank them by accessibility, please?

Sorry, I'm disgruntled because "Linux Based OS" is not accessible at the moment.

in reply to Tuta

Duckduckgo has been controversial since they took MS Bing and after that they started censorship. But it is good as google these days.

For OS FreeBSD is also good, but is quite strict on hardware.

in reply to Tuta

firefox, duckduckgo, signal etc are just google tools now
Always knew a time will come when the companies who preach most about privacy will bow to the money machines or simply shut down😊
in reply to Tuta

SearXNG instead of SearX, the latter is no longer maintained :)
in reply to Tuta

Yeah switching to a #linux based system is a huge improvement if talking about #privacy. Today most of the software is easily accessible on Linux and works great. Even if there's no dedicated #linux version there are still something like Wine or awesome free and open source alternatives. I can recommend #debian and #popos.

For messaging apps I love #signalmessenger and I can also recommend Session.

For browser as well as a search engine I'd pick Brave.
Librewolf is also great

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Tuta

for the people on the thread, Librewolf is better than Firefox.

To choose a private browser, refer to

in reply to Tuta

I think @protonmail and @protonpass should be mentioned as well.
in reply to Tuta

Use #Librewolf instead of #firefox because it is firefox without the mozilla bloat like pocket
in reply to Tuta

Email -

Search -

in reply to Tuta

would you say LastPass isn’t a good option? Because I’ve been using it for years, do you recommend me moving from LastPass to another app?
in reply to Tuta

Tails live image. Keep all your off the record activity separate.
in reply to Tuta

little more info to add to it, firefox is only really good when hardened, duckduckgo apparently allows microsoft tracking and signal... i can't convince my friends to use signal... :(

have a great day without being tracked

in reply to Tuta

Your latest update for Linux Mint(218.240307.1) is not working. Web Tuta/Firefox works. iOS 17.4 app works. Linux Mint update won't 'reconnect' and errors to ~"looks like you are offline" Multiple days, multiple reinstalls now.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Tuta

Flathub, as a routine update. Interestingly, this update was named "Tuta(experimental)" where previous updates were "Tutanota(experimental)" , for what its worth. I will try a fresh install from you're website and let you know.
in reply to callistoganymede

Update:... fresh download from your website, same version, now I can't even log in. I have two accounts and neither works. Yet, both work if I login via web/FF with the same internet connection and credentials.
in reply to callistoganymede

@callistoganymede Could you send details to Then the tech team can look into this!
in reply to Tuta

Other than account details, which sort of defeats the anonymity of the whole thing, there are no other details. Simply, Tuta's latest update for the Linux Mint desktop client has a connection issue. You have the rest of my experience already documented. Nothing to add sorry.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Tuta

While I agree with most of this list, the one that stands out most is for the OS.

Not all Linux-based systems are made equally in terms of privacy. Most of the popular ones are, but not all.

Looking at you De... 👀

in reply to Tuta

Signal is tied to phone number, that's privacy antipattern, and people stan for it ​:ablobcatraindepressed:
in reply to Usagi

@usagi not anymore. Signal dropped phone number requirement.
in reply to q.bin

@qbinary @usagi They did and we have updated our recommended secure messaging apps blog post to reflect this. Check it out here: