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I would love to encourage y'all #GUADEC attendees to use the "Download" button from the event's Indico platform (that button is in each event's details page) to use it directly in #GNOMECalendar, but… it turns out that you'd run into this silly timezones bug where the event importer dialog considers UTC times to be the local time 🤦

So… can I motivate someone to send a merge request for… ? This would be timely for #GNOME's main conference next week 😉

#Linux #OpenSource

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Jeff Fortin T.

Good news: the #GNOMECalendar .ics individual event file importing dialog's handling of UTC times has been fixed in the development version! If you are running the nightly flatpak, you can already use it to add to your calendar the remaining #GUADEC2024 day 3 events you want to attend :blobcatcoffee:…