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We’re happy to announce the release of K-9 Mail 6.800! The main goal of this version is to make it easier for you to add your email accounts to the app by integrating Thunderbird’s autoconfig feature.

With another item crossed off the list, this brings us one step closer towards Thunderbird for Android! Read the details and how to get it at our blog:

#Android #Development #Thunderbird #OpenSource

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

David Goldfield reshared this.

in reply to Thunderbird: Free Your Inbox

Have you considered opening your own f-droid repo so that users can access updated versions faster? That seems to me, would align with "[Your] continuous efforts to own [your] packages and distribution methods" . Or adding Desktop Thunderbird DEB package to the mozilla repo

Happy Friday Fediverse family! In case you missed it:
☑️ We're working on Exchange support
☑️ Thunderbird Sync is almost ready for testing
☑️ As we did with Flatpak, we're taking ownership of the Linux Snap package.

Read the monthly update from Alex, Thunderbird’s Director of Product Engineering:

in reply to Thunderbird: Free Your Inbox

When are you going to start changing the things that make K-9 better than Thunderbird?

Or put another way, those of us who use K-9 mail and dislike Thunderbird, when should we be ready to switch?

in reply to Thunderbird: Free Your Inbox

Hmmm..... To be honest I never had any issue adding mail accounts to K-9 mail, while in Thunderbird I basicalle always finish adding a mail account manually as settings are not fully OK.

So, why change things that ain't broken...??!!!

in reply to Thunderbird: Free Your Inbox

please dont let the desktop app die... it needs lots of love. as for android: nothing beats fairmail...
in reply to da_habakuk

@da_habakuk We want the desktop app to be better and more resilient than ever - aka, thriving! That feels like the opposite of dying to us. :)