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At least my choice to ditch GNOME for KDE turns out, once again, to be the right choice.
in reply to Maxi 9x 💉

I mean, I used Cinnamon on my main machine, and GNOME everywhere else. It wasn't until later in the KDE 5 lifecycle that I felt KDE was going in the right direction - and then soared right past GNOME.
in reply to Thom :linux: :a_openbsd:

I quickly understood that they hate us right back in early 2011 when they pulled the carpet out from under all the users of Gnome 2,

and then I fully understood exactly how much they hate us over the course of the following couple years where I had to completely rewrite from scratch my custom GTK theme many times, hours of my time wasted in the most painful possible way, because they were constantly breaking themes.

I always knew something like Libadwaita was coming.

in reply to dusthillresident

also not to mention the snarky jerk comments from gnome devs on gitlab pages that pop up all over internet searches about GTK usability issues or mal-features
in reply to dusthillresident

@thomholwerda BTW, found this new gem via the Phoronix forum: #KDE dev arguing with #GNOME folks about their arrogant icons handling which is breaking on other desktops:

GNOME: »Icon themes are not a very prominent feature in current app development […]«

KDE: »If this breaks GNOME, it's because you folks chose to repurpose an FDO icon theme to be something it wasn't designed to be which breaks its non-GNOME consumers.«

in reply to Maxi 9x 💉

Meta discussion here:
in reply to Maxi 9x 💉

I agree so much with skeevy420's and cakeisamadeupdrug's comments on usability. That especially hits home for me.

Maintaining my own custom GTK theme for years, even enduring the gnome people's best attempts to make me give up by breaking the CSS over and over and over every point release, isn't something I did for fun.

I did it because I have ASD and severe sensory issues. Having my choice of colours is a NEED for me

in reply to dusthillresident

your feedback is valuable here:
in reply to matzipan

Ahh, then I'll forward my feedback.
#linux #accessibility

Hi, I have sensory issues and having a dark mode with user interface controls tinted dark red makes much much more comfortable for me to use my computer.

Currently, I have had to maintain my own GTK theme to make this possible, hours of very painful work over the years just to have a tolerable user experience for me.

I think having the ability to change the UI colours is an essential accessibility feature.

in reply to dusthillresident

@dusthillperson @matzipan

Hello, not having a freedesktop API for this makes it difficult indeed.

Could you link to literature regarding sensory issues and perhaps prior work in other OSes?

in reply to Sonny

See Windows High Contrast Mode, or its Web counterpart forced-colors (usable outside Windows in Firefox color settings). I rely on the latter when I have an overstimulation flareup: it lets me override all colors on all websites with my own palette. Websites and Windows apps should avoid any hard reliance on a color palette to convey meaning for this reason, and instead rely on borders and foreground contents.

(The name “high contrast mode” is a misnomer, as users can specify any palette of any contrast level).

This entry was edited (1 week ago)
in reply to Sonny

@sonny @matzipan

For prior work on other OSes, I'm not really sure what to suggest, but windows (afaik) has a high contrast accessibly mode with configurable colours, GTK2 allowed the user to set colours, Tcl/Tk allows the user to set the default colours for both the classic widgets and the Ttk widgets (I wrote the patch for Ttk allowing that), Qt allows you to set colours.... Etc

This entry was edited (1 week ago)