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NVDA 2024.3, the free screen reader for Microsoft Windows, is now available for download. We encourage all users to upgrade to this version. Full information & download links available from:

- Notification of add-on updates
- Unicode normalisation options
- Help Tech Activator Pro braille display support
- Mouse wheel scrolling commands
- Many bug fixes & updates for Windows 11, browsers, LibLouis, eSpeak-NG, Unicode CLDR
#NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #A11y

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in reply to NV Access

Can you help me? I'm having problems with the #NVDASR update. It goes completely mute when finished, no matter what voice is in use. Restarted and it doesn't work. I went back to the previous version and tried again and the problem happened again. It even happened with a portable version. I wouldn't want to start a version from scratch because I have everything perfectly configured in 2024.2.
in reply to Halison Junior Lunardi

@halisonjl When you say you restarted - did you restart NVDA or the entire PC? We do recommend restarting the entire PC because sometimes odd behaviour can happen directly after installing and before restarting the PC. Which synthesizer / voice are you using? Everything which works in NVDA 2024.2 SHOULD work fine in NVDA 2024.3
in reply to NV Access

It might be useful to let people know. I found the culprit! It took a lot of work, but it worked by deactivating the add-ons one by one. It was an add-on called TemporarySkipe. What a shame. He was very helpful sometimes. And it wasn't even marked as incompatible by NVDA.
in reply to Halison Junior Lunardi

@halisonjl Ah thank you - disregard my last message then, sorry I didn't realise you'd replied again - I'm not familiar with that add-on. We haven't introduced anything in 2024.3 which should break add-ons. Assuming restarting the PC didn't fix this add-on, it would be worth reaching out to the add-on developer to see if they have had other reports, or if they are able to fix it.