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Dear #Friendica !Friendica Support,
When writing new posts like this one and also when writing comments aka replies, how do I auto complete user display names when mentioning them? Is it keyboard accessible.

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in reply to Matthias ✔

@Matthias ✔ I can't make it work. Perhaps it's not enough keyboard accessible or something similar. Can you please try to describe how you use this feature in slightly more details please? When trying to mention your display name I start typing the @ sign followed by mat, then pressing up or down arrow keys I am expecting I should be able to select from the list of suggestions. Pressing the tab key to trigger the auto complete is not working the way I would expect as well. To reference an accessible autocomplete implementation I can point out #element #matrix client for example. When using #tuskyapp with my #friendica account I can autocomplete #Hastags but I can't complete user mentions.

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in reply to Peter Vágner

@Peter Vágner

Look at the picture. After entering @mat, they will receive a suggestion list of contacts they follow. Accept the address after selection with Enter.
If you want to send a message to a contact you do not follow, you have to add the address manually.

This entry was edited (8 months ago)
in reply to Matthias ✔

@Matthias ✔ Ah yes now I understand. Unfortunatelly that part is not yet #screenreaders #accessible thus when using up and down arrow keys to make the choice I don't know what I'm selecting. I'll first try to look into it my-self and if I won't be able to fix it on my own I'll file it as a feature request then.
Thanks for your patience explaining this feature to me.

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in reply to Peter Vágner

After selecting the contact from the list you need to use 'return' (enter) key to insert the mention - not the 'tab' key.
in reply to Peter Vágner

There should be an competion list showing up, after some characters of the name. Start with an @ and then type the name. You can use the cursor keys to scroll through the list.
in reply to Peter Vágner

You can start typing an @ and some characters and then you may use the arrow keys + return to select a suggested contact.