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Items tagged with: element

@FediVerseExplorer @WestphalDenn I am using web version of #element in @Firefox by default however #electron based apps are now accessible on #linux in a similar way as they are #accessible on #windows. So I think you will like it. Also #fractal a #gtk4 #matrix client developed with @GNOME technologies is accessible with #orca.
I've read your reply to questions about working with #Gnome on #Linux. Thanx for your insights!

What interests me:
Is the #Electron#Desktop#App#Element for #Matrix#Chat accessible for #blind#users? You use it?


I hope the UN can make it work but the federated decentralised approach makes sense. The United Nations ditches Big Tech in a bid for security | TechRadar
#security #encryption #element #matrix #UN #IT #decentralized #federated

We're very happy to use a free and open source, decentralized tool for chat - @matrix has been a great resource! Fedora contributors can easily connect with each other or outside communities with a single account.

All users who make a Fedora Account are able generate a related Matrix account from

Learn more about Matrix and how Fedora uses it!

#Matrix #Element #Fedora #OpenSource

#Followerpower ist gefragt. Nachdem großen Update der Messenger-Matrix habe ich noch den Line-Messenger ergänzt. Ich bitte alle #Follower mal einen prüfenden Blick auf die Matrix zu werfen - insbesondere auf jene Messenger, die ihr selbst benutzt. Sollten Angaben nicht stimmen bzw. überarbeitet werden, so meldet das bitte. Entweder hier oder über die Projektseite.

#messenger #element #matrix #signal #simplex #telegram #line
#threema #viber #whatsapp #wire

Not a huge sample size, but the results are in!

If you use #Matrix, drop an #AltText comment below your images and screencasts for #ScreenReader, #Braille and other #Accessibility tools until we get support in the spec:

#a11y #Element #Fractal #Cinny #FluffyChat #Quaternion #NeoChat #GNOME #KDE #elementaryOS #XFCE

#imessage joined the post quantum encryption game

Will #matrix also do the same? @element @matrix

#element #privacy

Are you a #ScreenReader and/or #Braille user on #Matrix?

Should we be adding messages as captions until #AltText is supported?

#A11Y #Accessibility #BRLTTY #FOSS #OpenSource #Element #GNOME #KDE #elementaryOS #XFCE

  • Yes, always. (66%, 4 votes)
  • A quick summary is fine, I'll ask if I need more (16%, 1 vote)
  • As long as you do it if I ask. (16%, 1 vote)
6 voters. Poll end: 1 month ago

🚀 Exciting News! 🚀

We're consolidating our cryptographic libraries with Rust! 🦀

With a unified crypto library, we simplify development, speed up deployment, and ensure consistent security measures across all clients.

This milestone marks a significant step in our journey.

Join us in celebrating this achievement, and looking forward to even more exciting developments ahead! 🎉

#Element #Rust #Security #ElementX

I'm looking for a solution to only allow people with a specific email domain to join a Matrix room.

Ideally a bot that would be able to send emails, verify the user and invite them into the room.

Any idea or suggestion?

@matrix @element

#Matrix #Element

Today in #MatrixRooms: Searching #Matrix rooms from multiple places, just like with #SepiaSearch or #LemmyVerse.

Detailed instructions can be found in the alt text. In short, for #Element and #SchildiChat Web/Desktop user:
0. Open search in Element (Ctrl+K)
1. In the "Show" dropdown menu, press "Add new server...". Type and proceed.
2. Pick newly added rooms directory.

More on how to make this work in mobile apps, let all users of your instance benefit from this rooms directory or set this up as a search engine on your very own #SearXNG:

Hell, yes. This is nothing but good news. :mastodance:

I've been using Unified Push + Element + Fedilab via Nextcloud and NextPush and it's been remarkably simple and reliable while keeping all that sweet, sweet metadata out of the Goog's hungry clutches. Thank you!

Can't wait for Yunohost to support sliding sync so I can shift to ElementX.

#UnifiedPush #Privacy #FOSS #Element #ElementX #Yunohost #Fedilab #Nextcloud #NextPush #Google #Android

@Matthias ✔ I can't make it work. Perhaps it's not enough keyboard accessible or something similar. Can you please try to describe how you use this feature in slightly more details please? When trying to mention your display name I start typing the @ sign followed by mat, then pressing up or down arrow keys I am expecting I should be able to select from the list of suggestions. Pressing the tab key to trigger the auto complete is not working the way I would expect as well. To reference an accessible autocomplete implementation I can point out #element #matrix client for example. When using #tuskyapp with my #friendica account I can autocomplete #Hastags but I can't complete user mentions.

#India first democracy to ban encrypted apps like #Briar #Element & #Threema saying these were used by "terrorists":

#Fight4Privacy #No2Backdoors


🚨 🇮🇳 #India banning #OpenSource #Matrix clients like #Element is equivalent to banning your favorite web browser or email client.

🤯 Can you imagine if Firefox, Chrome, or Thunderbird were banned nationally?

🔑 Privacy is a human right.

➡️ And governments will never stop human rights abuses by denying its citizens' human rights.

:boost_love: Pass it on.

@Archos :distros_arch: :matrix: @Petr Řezníček :apple_inc: Áno #beeper začal ako fork klienta #element. Najväčšou prednosťou Beeper sú integrácie do rôznych sietí ako je whatsapp, facebook messenger a ďalšie. Všetky ich bridges sú opensource, ako obchodné tajomstvo si držia úzku integráciu v klientovi.

We have launched our new online voting system for GMs. It is @matrix based and you need the #element app on mobile (or head to on your laptop), to vote.

Download the app and then follow the steps! :balliol: 💕

- Click I already have an account.
- Click 'Edit' where my conversations live
- Change this to
- Click continue with SAML and log in with your SSO

- Email with any problems!

The #Fedora Project uses @matrix for our instant messaging needs (with IRC bridges also).

While the default experience is with #Element, there are several other neat Matrix clients you can use.

#Fractal, @neochat, and #Nheko are some great options to check out!

Then you can check out Fedora's Matrix room as well:

In the meantime, does #Element also have his own account in #Fediverse? I've been waiting for it for years and have only ever seen Twitter crossposts.

Glad to see that Germany is hopping on the train of #decentralised communication based on #opensource software like @matrix and #element.

The terrific #element mobile app for @matrix has had a UI design overhaul, and you know there will be two distinct reactions.

Sympa de lire l'histoire de #Matrix et #Element en français. :)



# #



If anyone is looking for a good # community on # + # there is now a space with several rooms, administered by @gwmngilfen :



Ah, multi-account support. That's something I would really really like to see in #.

The #FSFE opens its own #Matrix server! Supporters and registered volunteers can get their account, and everyone can join our community chatrooms 🚀

A must-have to attend #FOSDEM this weekend!


@matrix @fosdem #freesoftware #softwarefreedom #opensource #synapse #element #federation


Gute Vorsätze für 2022? Haben wir zwar nicht - dafür aber schon einige neue bzw. aktualisierte Dienste für Forschung & Lehre im Testbetrieb. #ILIAS7 Lernplattform #GitLab Versionsverwaltung #Matrix #Element Chat
