Items tagged with: european
Polska drużyna Mistrzami Europy w #Showdown!!! 🇵🇱
W finale 31:27 pokonujemy Finlandię 🇫🇮
Co za mecz! Co za emocje! 😱
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#sport #IBSA #Poland #Finland #Polska #Finlandia #POLFIN #Champions #European #Paris #blind #niewidomi #visuallyimpaired
8. EURO SHOWDOWN IBSA 2022 - 16/12/2022 Teams 2 - 16h
Euro Showdown IBSA - Antony France - Table 1Programme et résultats / Schedule and results : sous réserve ...YouTube
Today the FSFE publishes an #OpenLetter, co-signed by 38 European organisations and companies to ask #European legislators for the universal right to install any software on any device, including full access to hardware:…
#Ecodesign #RightToRepair #FreeSoftware #UpcyclingAndroid
EU Ecodesign: 38 organisations demand the right to access and to reuse hardware - FSFE
The FSFE publishes an open letter, co-signed by 38 organisations and companies, to ask EU legislators for the right to install any software on any device, ...FSFE - Free Software Foundation Europe