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Items tagged with: startup

Prichazi historicky okamzik pro lidstvo! Nas novy web.

Musim se pochvalit, vypimpili jsme to hezky.

Jakykoli feedback, krome feedbacku, ze vypimpit je hrozny slovo a nemel bych ho pouzivat, vitan.

Nebojte se sirit mezi umelce.

#web #art #music #startup

Zitra nas ceka velky Unreleased den. Dva nove Unreleasy jejichz Unrelease oslavime vypustenim noveho webu. (driv to nejde, neb tam s nimi flexime)

Jako znamka toho, ze to s umelci myslime vazne jsme se placli pres kapsu a natocili reklamni video.

Je pekne.

Nalakame na nej Justina? Uvidime.

#music #video #art #startup

So Apple did flip the switch at last and today's window is ready for all of you to try out.
Zuzanka is an app made by Zatoichi, a Warsaw-based startup with one of my blind friends as a tester and head consultant. It reads out the expiry dates on products so it's perfect to run through everything in your fridge before Christmas to see whether your supplies are still safe to be consumed. Once you start it, it will beep continuously to tell you it is ready. Then, once something that it may consider to be a date is found in the camera, it will start beeping faster until it finally recognizes and speaks the date outloud. There is a handy tutorial added telling you where expiry dates are commonly found on different products. The app gives you a 24-hour trial period and a handful of subscription options which I believe should be affordable. There is a lifetime license option too capped at around 30 €.
The AI models for this app have been predominantly trained on products found in Polish supermarkets and I was successful using it on a pack of German Balsen chocolate biscuits so it is interesting to see whether this could work in other countries.…
#Accessibility #Blind #AdventCalendar #Poland #Mobile #Startup #Shopping

If you follow the rabbit hole, it looks like Hylo is Hylozoic, Inc., which is owned by cryptocurrency startup Holo, Ltd.

#hylo #holo #blockchain #startup #cryptocurrency #holoChain #hylozoicInc #holoLtd