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Items tagged with: android14

iodéOS 5 is out…

#iodéOS #iodéOS5 #android14 #lineageos21 #privacy #cybersecurity #opensource

I'm writing my findings on OneUI 6 / Android 14 on a daily basis on my new Galaxy S23 device for our one and only @accessibleandroid Go check out from… #Accessibility #Android #Samsung #OneUI #Android14

Google has unveiled the stable version of Android 14, marking a significant update to the world’s most popular mobile operating system. The release is set to first roll out to Google’s Pixel phones, including the newly launched Pixel 8 series, followed by eligible devices from various Android OEMs. Here’s What’s New in Android 14… #Android #Google #Accessibility #Android14

#Android14 je k už k dispozici jako OTA update i pro starší Pixely. U mě konkrétně verze 7a. Jdeme na to!
#googlepixel #googlepixel7a