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Items tagged with: Hope

One thing that gives me #hope for the future of tech is the free screen reader for Microsoft Windows that's better than the built-in one created by Microsoft. NVDA has been around since 2005 and is still improving all the time, I have used it since 2010. Back then and even now, commercial screen readers charge ongoing fees for updates, while NVDA remains completely free. @NVAccess

Fediverse Idea Proposition :mastodon: :rainbowdance:

What if we started posting about
things (news, comments, ideas, projects) that make us hopeful for the future using the #Hope ?

Hope for the future of tech, the future of digital rights, the future of the internet, the future of the world, etc.

What would you post under this hashtag today? Reply below using the hashtag :blobcatheart:

*no sarcasm allowed 🙅‍♀️

#Fediverse #Mastodon