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Items tagged with: Propaganda

#russia #china #iran #northkorea #propaganda #democracy #ruleoflaw #maga

“Autocrats in China, Russia, and elsewhere are now making common cause with MAGA Republicans to discredit liberalism and freedom around the world.”


Georgia Longstreet, the next witness, is a paralegal who monitors social media postings at the Manhattan DA’s office. She will be questioned by prosecutor Rebecca #Mangold.

This is another #CustodialWitness — again only necessary because #Trump’s legal team refused to agree on basic #facts prior to trial.

“Can you briefly describe how #Twitter works?” is a question 🙄.

#AlternativeFacts #Gaslighting #Propaganda #criminal #law #TrumpTrial #conspiracy #ElectionInterference

I personally have mixed emotions about people who are only now waking up to the fact that on commercial social media we were never the customer we were the product. Seeing blog posts etc. from people discovering this after I've been talking about it for a few years now.

This is a tweet from 2021:

"It's typical the new media *have always* used subtle propaganda to hit emotionally. In the old days "It sold papers" nowadays it sells our information to advertisers. "

It was really obvious after reading Walter Lippmann, Jacques Ellull, Popper, John Dewey and Chomsky himself. The trick is going to be in proving Lippmann wrong.


#Philosophy #Propaganda #SocialMedia #Mastodon #TwitterMigration

the news media, or as I like to call it the views media, is a bad joke. #pun

Seeing Andrew Neil lambast Mick Lynch for making the nation suffer while bosses make millions and workers are being sacked. #rmt #strike

Rishi Sunak saying he’ll rebuild the #economy he’s been in charge of for years! That he’s all about trust‽ #politics

I long for sources that aren’t tools for the highest bidder to manipulate public opinion. #propaganda

Any recommendations?

CZ.NIC, the association managing the #Czech #domain registry just removed .CZ domains of several websites spreading Russian #propaganda.
Without any judicial decision. Just because the government and security agencies asked. That's a slippery slope and not the right way to fight #disinformation, sorry.

#censorship #Russia…