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Items tagged with: RightToRide

“We were trying to get to a show and got four Uber denials within a half-hour period. These denials happened after sending a message to the drivers letting them know that we would be traveling with a service animal.” – Guide Dog User in California, January 2024

This is one of many rideshare denials. End the discrimination. Respect our guide dogs and white canes. It’s our #RightToRide. #StopGuideDogDenials #Rideshare #Discrimination

There is a global need for us to stand up for our #RightToRide. Here is a message I just sent to Uber, which explains what we just went through tonight.

I am blind and use a white cane. My wife is also blind and is accompanied by a guide dog.
This evening, we enjoyed dinner with friends, and upon leaving the restaurant, used the Uber app to request a ride home.
The driver pulled up almost immediately, but I still sent a text to him to let him know that my wife and I are blind and that she was traveling with a guide dog. I asked the driver if he could assist us to his vehicle.
One of my friends has some useable vision, and was able to direct us to the vehicle. The driver told my friend that he wasn’t going to take us and that we had to call Uber pet. All of us explained calmly and clearly that guide dogs were not pets, that it was illegal for him to refuse to carry us.
The driver did not believe us. He kept insisting we must use Uber Pet, or Uber Assist. At this point, I explained the process as I understood it. That if he drove away in breach of the law, we would notify Uber. Uber would begin an investigation which would result in the driver being barred from the platform pending that investigation, and possible further training.
At this point, I was videoing the exchange on my phone for evidence, which I may yet still provide to the media. The driver continued to insist that he wasn’t required to transport us. I indicated that since he was breaking the law, we also had the option to call the police.
As I am tired of having my civil rights violated by Uber drivers in this way, I calmly advised the driver that I was going to sit in the vehicle while my friends called the police. I explained that while in it, I would also seek to raise assistance from someone at Uber.
At this point, he said, “OK, I’ll take you”. I didn’t feel particularly safe, but I advised my wife that we were no longer being refused a ride and that she should get into the back of the vehicle with her guide dog.
During the ride home, the driver was courteous and I think curious, but he continued to insist that he wasn’t required to take us, that he was only doing so out of sympathy for us because we are blind. I took the opportunity to educate, to explain how well trained guide dogs are. He asked what functions guide dogs performed and we explained them to him. But he kept insisting that Uber had told him that disabled people with dogs should use Uber Assist or Uber Pet. For the record, we used Uber X because a driver was nearby and it was raining heavily.
To add insult to injury, because of the altercation which took several minutes, we have been charged extra for the ordeal we endured.
Clearly, something is seriously deficient in terms of the way Uber trains and onboards its drivers. Blind people should not be made to feel like they are liars, and have to take action to prevent the vehicle from leaving the scene so the police can get involved, just to get home from a night out.
Drivers must know the law, and Uber must take responsibility for ensuring drivers are aware of the law and comply with it.
This was a deeply distressing, upsetting conclusion to what was a pleasant night. We should be able to enjoy a night out without it ending like this.

“The driver reported me as having a pet and said he had the right to deny pets. I explained numerous times it was a service animal and he was breaking the law. He asked me to close his door and drove off.” – Guide Dog User from Colorado, October 2024

This is one of many rideshare denials. End the discrimination. Respect our guide dogs and white canes. It’s our #RightToRide.

#StopGuideDogDenials #Rideshare #Discrimination

Lest you think ride share discrimination is limited to those with service dogs, an #Uber driver told me she wouldn't transport me from a hotel to the Las Vegas airport because I am a blind person without sighted assistance. She tried to get a hotel employee to accompany me. I use a white cane. This stuff is real even as we conclude the first quarter of the 21st century. #accessibility #ableism #blind #discrimination #RightToRide

“I did not communicate with the driver prior to his arrival. Once he arrived...He said, 'Is that a dog?' I said, 'Yes, he is a service dog.' He said, 'Sorry, no.' I said, 'It is a task-trained service dog accompanying me for a disability. You actually cannot legally refuse to offer service based on my dog - it is against the law.' He said, 'I don't care.' I said, 'You don't care about breaking the law?' He drove off." – Guide Dog User from California, March 2024


Join us to protest rideshare discrimination against blind people using guide dogs and white canes. Uber and Lyft have not met their obligations to ensure that blind individuals are not discriminated against. So, we are organizing a rideshare rally in San Francisco on October 15 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Pacific Time.

If you are interested in attending the demonstration, please complete the Rideshare Rally Interest Form:… #RightToRide #DontDeny #StopGuideDogDenials