Items tagged with: career
New Job Listing: @gnome is seeking an experienced nonprofit professional with a passion for technology and a proven track record in fundraising for its Executive Director position. Learn more on #OSJH…
#OpenSource #jobs #career #GNOME #nonprofit #community
#OpenSource #jobs #career #GNOME #nonprofit #community
I just had the worst #interview of my entire #career . It turned out to be an insightful list of precisely how NOT to attract talent. In that way, it was really useful to me as a candidate.
Presented for your amusement, here's a thread of what I asked. It's going to be a longboi, but here's my absolute favorite:
🚩 Do you have any queer peers? Is this a safe place for them to work? "We don't talk about that here."
#lgbtq #trans #job #discrimination