Items tagged with: deltatauri
#Electron vs #Tauri in #deltachat_desktop
- 📦 download size: 151mb vs 28mb
- 💾 size on disk: 340mb vs 40mb
- 🧠RAM usage: 292mb vs 209mb (after fresh start)
Though take it with a grain of salt: #deltatauri does not yet have features implemented and my sample size is just one here 😅
Some (out of scope) fun-fact about #deltatauri: It only took me like 3 hours to get it running on #iPhone
@TauriApps is really easy for making #crossplatform apps.
Though of course the devil is in the detail, it would still need quite some native integration work to make it useable for normal users, so currently it is not a goal for us. So it won't replace our native #deltachat_ios app any time soon ;)
20% of the work for 80% of the visible result 😅
Code for #deltatauri is now public!
For now it contains only the most basic functionality - so more for the fellow developers to try out or/and review my code 😉. That being said, it is already surprisingly usable.…
Thanks to #nlnet & #ngi0_entrust for funding this project:
#deltachat #deltachat_desktop #tauri
Tauri Edition by Simon-Laux · Pull Request #4462 · deltachat/deltachat-desktop
How to build/try it you need rust, nodejs, pnpm and maybe also tauri dependencies. (see pnpm i pnpm dev:tauri Features: What already works: basic features ...GitHub
Updated for #deltachat_desktop readme coming soon.
Shows links to the 3 editions:
- deltachat electron (current releases)
- #deltatauri
- #deltachat_web
I'm making big progress on the #tauri version of #deltachat_desktop
So far it only takes 38 mb 📦 (78mb installed) in package size instead of the 150mb 📦(323mb installed) of the Delta Chat Desktop #electron version.
I'll keep you updated in this thread.
Thanks to #nlnet & #ngi0_entrust for funding this project: