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Items tagged with: hetzner

Huge thanks to Hetzner for their unwavering support and reliable hosting services for Arch Linux. Your continued sponsorship powers our infrastructure with excellence! 🎉
Please send some cheers to
#Grateful #Hetzner #archlinux

Detailed and credible looking report of #LawfulInterception #MitM on an #xmpp server hosted at #Hetzner in Germany:…

Looks like a transparent bridge was deployed in front of the actual server, obtained dedicated certificates from #LetsEncrypt and MitMed all incoming client connections since July. It was discovered because the LE certificate expired 🤦

I just read your post about the overall benefits of more Mastodon instances and how people should be encouraged to create their own.

My son has been working on his own instance by following the official docs. This really needs to be a lot easier to do, though.

#Linode and #DigitalOcean have very easy installation options although these options are pretty expensive compared to a similar VM option at a hosting provider like #Hetzner, for example.

I'm sure this is just a matter of time.

what are the specs of your instance and which provider do you use? I only started a couple of days ago with a 2 cores, 8GB of RAM of cloud server from #hetzner that costs around 12€/mo (plus Wasabi $5.99/mo for the media storage)

It’s amazing to me just how far ahead of every other VPS provider Hetzner is in terms of server provisioning times. ~2× faster than their nearest competitor. They’re wiping the floor with the rest. For an industry obsessed with performance, this must be very embarrassing for their competitors.…

PS. This is something I’ve verified first-hand in my own use of Hetzner and some of their competitors.

#vps #provisioning #performance #hetzner #virtualPrivateServer #comparison

Does anyone have a contact we can talk to at Hetzner to get them working with Fedora CoreOS so it’s supported as a first-class citizen on their platform?

The Fedora CoreOS folks are on board, now we just need someone from Hetzner.…

#hetzner #fedora #coreOS #vps #hosting #web #germany #eu #europe #linux
