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Items tagged with: qrcode

@e_mydata would be cool if you could include a qr code scanner app included as a default app or even better integrated into the camera app, as that is what most devices have these days.

#FeatureRequest #qrcode

With #LibreOffice now able to include #QRCode directly, it's easy to create #WiFi connection posters!

(While still putting the info as text for those who can't decode the QR…)

Menu: Insert -> OLE Object -> QR code and barcode

The URI to use is a bit weird, cf.… (French but it's clear enough)


(A ; is required after the password, the remainder is optional. H is for hidden APs)

Linux life hack: say you have a page open in Firefox on your Linux machine and you want to view it on your phone (and you don’t have some fancy integration between the two)…

Instead of typing in the URL, get the FxQRL extension that shows you a QR code of the current tab’s URL and aim your phone’s camera at it.

Boom! :)…

#linux #lifeHack #firefox #extension #web #QRcode #mobile #browser