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Items tagged with: smarthome

Wow, @homeassistant is doing amazing work! The April release looks great. Labels, Floors, Categories, new admin tables… it looks so good!…

#HomeAssistant #SmartHome

This piece is worth reading if you’re in tech criticism or infosec/cybersecurity and are being asked for commentary on IoT and smart home devices.

People aren’t foolish for using IoT or for wanting things to be easier in their homes. This tech makes positive and meaningful change for people of all kinds of abilities. It’s valid to worry about the privacy or security issues that IoT is riddled with, but don’t draw a direct line from there to blaming the user - some people have no alternatives that don’t involve giving up independent access to their own homes and lives. Everyone deserves to live in ways that fit their needs.

Instead, join the push to hold manufacturers and providers to account for poor security and privacy practices. Advocate for better, more respectful and accessible default configurations. Help people understand how to anticipate and mitigate the worst of these issues when they’re setting things up, and give them power and agency over their home systems.

We all deserve to have tech that works for us, in all the ways that matters.

#a11y #infosec
#iot #smarthome…

Today I connected first #ZigBee device into my #DIY #smartHome. It' Sonoff button for easy start, connected to #Zigbee2mqtt server, which is resending messages over #MQTT to #HomeAssistant. It worked flawlesly.