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Items tagged with: BS

Valérie Plante says, "Encampments are tolerated for protesters, but not for unhoused people."… #classwarfare #valeriesays #valerieknowsbest #BS #polMTL #MTLpoli

I see you Valérie Plante...

Montréal gets a Fête Nationale parade w/ no red tape politics.…

Canada Day parade cancelled b/c of red tape politics:… #polMTL #MTLpoli #cdnpoli #polcan #valerieknowsbest #BS

#Gnome WOO.. #Not !!

#Whut .. @gnome

..still no mouse driven, simple add a desktop App icon? till you learn this .. remain banished in the paleolithic, no deployment, till you you can demonstrate basic userland concepts . . . (without jammin' your mandatory 'efficiency' #BS work flow agenda down my neck, how the f___ do you know what I need?? You did not ask! ) .. so, its #KDE #XFCE #LXDE for me and my users.. who sometimes just ~ want~ it on the desktop.

#Seriously .. _____ off.