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Items tagged with: Gnome

Back home from the Berlin mini GUADEC; it was good to see everyone after a year, and I’m looking forward to next year in Italy!

#gnome #guadec #guadec2024

So thanks to we managed to get the front camera in the Pixel 3a working with a libcamera/pipewire stack 🥳 Thanks to @flamingradian for the work on the whole port!

EDIT: The driver does not properly release the camera when closing the app, so it only works once per boot. It would be lovely if anybody with the skills would like to contribute to improve it!…

#postmarketOS #LinuxMobile #Pixel3a #Snapshot #GNOME #GUADEC

Parabéns ao ganhador do Pants of the Thanks Awards deste ano, Felipe Borges @felipeborges ! Obrigado por todo o seu trabalho duro e muitas contribuições para o #GNOME! 👣…

GNOME Calendar users, rejoice!

After 7 months of pain and suffering, we finally reworked the event details popover, which will be available in GNOME 47!

The new event details popover builds on top of the existing UI/code, while adding a few improvements and behavioral changes:

  • The popover displays the changes-prevent (lock) icon when the event is read-only.
  • Each section is properly separated with separators, with equal amount of margins.
  • Location and Meetings section are mutually exclusive; only one is shown.
  • When an event has no event note, the popover will always explicitly display that there's no event description.
  • The action button adapts its icon and tooltip text depending on the event permission.…

#GNOME #GNOMECalendar #GTK #libadwaita #GTK4

Does anyone know of a #Gnome or #Linux or even #FOSS community in #Egypt? Or people thinking of starting something? I think we can do cool things. I just don't know many cool people.

We're excited to share that GUADEC 2025 will take place in Brescia, Italy! We look forward to working with the local team and we hope to see you all in Brescia next year!


Ok, so I know Biden just resigned and all, but are you looking at the exciting stuff the GNOME design team has worked on this year??


Watching #GUADEC2024 and just heard I received the #GNOME "Pants of Thanks" award for my contributions over the years! 🎉

I'm extremely happy with this recognition! This community has done so much for me, changing my life in unimaginable ways. Because of that, I've made it my mission to help others onboard and succeed in our project. Thanks, everyone! I wish I was there in Denver to enjoy the conference with you. ❤️

Congratulations to the winner of this year's Pants of Thanks Award, Felipe Borges @felipeborges ! Thank you for all your hard work and many many contributions to GNOME!


Retrospective as GNOME director…


For those not at GUADEC (or not in Berlin), I've posted a recording of my talk about gobject-introspection on my YT channel:

#gnome #guadec #guadec2024

Today at 13:55 MDT (19:55 UTC), my colleague Georges Stavracas will talk about bringing accessibility back to WebKitGTK:…

#gnome #guadec #guadec2024 #igalia #accessibility #webkit #a11y

Nice personal guide on getting setup with GNOME Extensions development by Dagim!…

#GNOME #GNOMEExtensions

Matthias Clasen talks about the GTK development and roadmap

#gnome #guadec #guadec2024 #gtk

Watching the opening of GUADEC 2024 on the big screen

#guadec #guadec2024 #gnome

Last talk of today is Georges Stavracas's presentation on calendaring on the modern desktop, at 14:05 MDT (20:00 UTC):…

#gnome #guadec #guadec2024 #igalia

Today at 11:55 MDT (17:55 UTC), Patrick Griffis is going to be talking about developing WebKit with wkdev-sdk:…

#gnome #guadec #guadec2024 #webkit #igalia

Today at 10:15 MDT (16:15 UTC), Philip Chimento, Andy Holmes, and Evan Welsh and others will present the latest JavaScript technologies available in the GNOME stack for the crowd at GUADEC 2024…

#guadec #guadec2024 #gnome #igalia #gjs #javascript

#GUADEC2024 starts today! Take a look at the full schedule and plan your day:…

Make sure to register and check your email for the livestream and chat links:…

We’ll see you for the Welcome in Track 1 at 16:00 UTC!

If you are in Denver, make sure to attend the presentations from my colleagues as well!

- "Developing WebKitGTK Made Easy", by Patrick Griffis
- "Calendaring in the modern desktop", by Georges Stavracas
- "Making WebKitGTK accessible again", by Georges Stavracas
- "The Newest JavaScript Technologies in GNOME", with Philip Chimento

#gnome #guadec #guadec2024 #igalia

Today at 1600 CEST I'm going to be talking about gobject-introspection at the mini-GUADEC; the talk will also be broadcast at GUADEC in Denver tomorrow, at 13:45 MDT:…

Thanks to Igalia for allowing me to participate!

#gnome #guadec #guadec2024 #igalia

I recently enabled #Wayland on my #Fedora desktop with NVidia drivers. Since then, labels on ui components are not shown and only are shown once I hover over them (incurring a rerender), e.g. in Nautilus. After leaving the component the labels are gone again.

Any idea how to fix or troubleshoot it? I don't even know what to search for...

#AskFedi #Gnome

Don't forget to register! GUADEC starts in 2 days, but there's still time to let us know you're attending. Sign up for remote or in-person here:…


We need your votes! Tell us who you think should win this year's Pants of Thanks Award at #GUADEC2024. Our winner will be announced during the AGM on July 21, starting at 16:00 UTC.…


I'm not sure he is on the fediverse, but huge kudos to long time GNOME contributor Benjamin Berg for this. This is such an amazing gift that he has worked on for the last couple of years and it really levels up PyGObject. 🤩 #Python #GNOME

#GUADEC2024 starts this weekend! Are you ready? Make sure you're registered and be sure to check your email for event updates and links. Haven't signed up yet? There's still time, let us know if you're attending in Denver or online here:


Alright, I’ve finally done a new #GNOME Shell Mobile release! Time for a little thread about the updates.…


The thing I'm most hyped for at GUADEC Berlin is @jimmac live DJ set on Saturday 🧑‍🎤


@vixalientoots did it again 🎩

After adding TypeScript support; Angelo made Workbench able to use TypeScript for JavaScript diagnostics and completions :javascript:

#GNOME #GTK #JavaScript #TypeScript #GSoC

I would love to encourage y'all #GUADEC attendees to use the "Download" button from the event's Indico platform (that button is in each event's details page) to use it directly in #GNOMECalendar, but… it turns out that you'd run into this silly timezones bug where the event importer dialog considers UTC times to be the local time 🤦

So… can I motivate someone to send a merge request for… ? This would be timely for #GNOME's main conference next week 😉

#Linux #OpenSource

GTK4 port of Disks is looking fantastic

Kudos @pothos @maximiliano, Automeris naranja, Inam Ul Haq and Mohammed Sadiq

Also, this is the systemd sysupdate disk layout…