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Items tagged with: Nostalgia

I’m very excited to receive my BTSpeak unit too! Back in the 90s I almost exclusively used my Braille ’n Speak as the terminal for my Linux system, and now it contains Linux itself, in an even smaller device. It will be good revisiting those fond linux memories!
For me, the BNS was the most indispensable device I had, for many many years. #Nostalgia
I’m eager to play round with the various Linux options for cloud storage possibilities, to see how much I can have data available across platforms.
I just can’t reliably adapt to iPhone Braille input, but want a small device for immediate info access and writing tasks.
But as much as anything else, it will be enjoyable having a device that I can’t fully learn about and exhaust in one or two days.

As a child born in the 90's Poland, I partook in the evening routine of watching of the children's programming of the first channel of our public broadcaster at 7 PM. There was this one cartoon there which went under the name of "Tom, the Piglet". I had many episodes of this recorded on VHS tapes and I would rewatch them again and again. To this day, I can recall, and perfectly hum and whistle the intro melody, yet every time I did a search on the Internet, there was nothing to find. Did it all: Google, retrieving old TV schedules from 1997, both through regular webpages and the Teletext archive, nothing as if it never existed. The only reference I had, keeping me from believing that I had imagined it all, was a post on a Polish forum where another person was in the same situation. Years passed and at last, somebody has identified it to be the British cartoon by the name "Huxley Pig". My childhood is saved, and no, still the Internet doesn't seem to have found a single Polish episode. #UK #Cartoon #Nostalgia

- Mamo, czy możemy mieć Commodore 64 w domu?
- Mamy Commodore 64 w domu, cichaj i podepnij dżojstik do drugiego portu, połamiemy go na Karatece.

Gry łączą pokolenia. Bawią i uczą uniwersalnie, bez względu na to, skąd jesteśmy i w co wierzymy. Jednak medium doskonałe — łączące obraz, ruch, muzykę, dźwięk, treść i interakcję — miało też swoje skromne początki. Serce rośnie za każdym razem, gdy myślę o tym, że to, co minęło, nie przepadło!

Raspberry Pi, jak i Steam Deck to przykłady urządzeń, na których jesteśmy dziś w stanie upchnąć i schować do plecaka całe biblioteki tytułów ze sprzętów naszej młodości. Dla osoby bardzo sentymentalnej (jaką jestem), prezerwacja dzieł powstałych w tamtych czasach to rzecz doprawdy wspaniała ❤️

Dajcie znać od jakiego systemu i/lub gry zaczęliście tę niekończącą się opowieść 💾

#Nostalgia #SteamDeck #Linux #Commodore64 #C64 #Atari #Amiga #NES #SNES #PSX #Retro #Emulation #RetroArch #RaspberryPi #RetroPie #EmulationStation #Polska #Gry #Giereczkowo