Warning to canadian #Amateur#Radio Operators: If you're a #ham in #Canada, Mark Bramwell,, operator of the website foxhollow.ca, has placed the entire Industry Canada database of ham callsigns on his website, in a way publicly indexable by Google. While this data can be downloaded and searched at Industry Canada's website, at QRZ.com, and via RAC (Radio Amateurs of Canada), none of those websites make your full name and address available to #Google's search index. They all require a login or prevent indexing. However, while Foxhollow claims it needs verification, the website owner has done nothing to prevent Google from crawling his website. For example, searching for "VA3SEP" in quotes reveals my full address as results 2 and 3, as Google is allowed to crawl this page without verification. Unfortunately, Bramwell has decided not to offer any public means of contacting him on his foxhollow.ca website.
Items tagged with: amateur
CQ Blind Hams is "the" source for #amateur radio content for #blind people in the English-speaking world. That's why I think it would be great if you could subscribe to the channel. They could monetize the thing with 1000 or more followers, which they then want to use to finance radio equipment for blind #Hams. I think it's a cool thing, I support it. Range boosts welcome. youtube.com/@cqblindhams?si=JZ…
C Q Blind Hams
This channel discusses ham radio topics as it relates to a blind ham. We do reviews, tutorials, demos and a round table.YouTube
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