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Items tagged with: amberol

#Amberol 0.10.0 is out! After a tragic mess with a #GNOME run time update, and with lots of fixes accumulating over a development branch, I decided to spin up a release. Highlights:
- tweaked UI, to avoid confusing the waveform control and the volume control
- improved scaling of textures using #GTK 4.10
- ability to restore the last playlist at startup
- optional background playback

Plus the usual lots and lots of small fixes, tweaks, and performance improvements.

Congrats @gnome #Amberol is very #accessible music player! Player controls including volume and skip sliders, playlist view, playlist selection all these features can be used with keyboard alone and screen reader turned on. If GTK issues like inaccessible shortcuts window, role names part of the controls labels will get fixed in the future it would really become fully complete in terms of #a11y.

New # release, hot off the presses:
- lots of UI papercuts fixed
- better feedback on file and folder import

Get it on Flathub:

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