Items tagged with: blindGaming
#accessiblegames #accessiblegaming #blindgaming #bgc #blindgamingclub
Home - Blind Gaming Club
Welcome to the Blind Gaming Club (BGC)—where the fun never stops and neither do the games! Whether you're a button-smashing champ on PlayStation, a joystickAdministrator (Blind Gaming Club)
Please boost for reach: There's an open issue on Github about adding scripting support to Retroarch. This would enable scripts like the Pokemon Access mod to be ran on Retroarch, hopefully allowing blind people to actually play the game while mobile. I tried it out and am already making a team in Pokemon Emerald, and in the woods in the first few areas of the game! If anyone is good with adding Lua to things, or if anyone is good at modding games and wants to enhance the Pokemon Access scripts, I'd really appreciate you looking into this.
Github issue:…
Pokemon Access:…
#Pokemon #accessibility #gaming #blind #emulation #emulators #Retroarch #retro #BlindGaming
Lua Scripting Support · Issue #6454 · libretro/RetroArch
Description New feature: Lua scripting, like other emulators. Provide functions to read/write game memory, display graphics on screen, poll input, control emulator, etc. (Not Lutro! Scripts running...GitHub
RetroArch is a free, ad-free, open source, and cross platform frontend/framework for emulators, game engines, video games, media players, and other applications. Supported systems come in the form of libretro cores.App Store