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Items tagged with: carbon

With #FreeSoftware you can do something to combat #EWaste!

Production accounts for 75+% of a device's #carbon footprint over its operating life.

Software can determine how long a device remains in use.

Lightweight, up-to-date software, free from bloat and ads, keeps less-powerful #hardware running and out of the bin.

Software freedom means hardware freedom.

Donate to #KDE and other #FOSS projects to support #SustainableSoftware.

#KDEEco #OpenSource #Sustainability

🦀 "Why the Rust Community Should Be Worried About the New Carbon Language"

👉 should we?

👉 If we some language can do what Rust can do but more simpler, we should be happy to switch but is that the case here?


#rustlang #rust #cpp #carbon

"The # industry accounts for 5% of # emissions, which might not sound like much to a lot of people. But when you think about the fact that 1% of people in the world account for 50% of carbon emissions from flying you begin to realize that the aviation industry is: firstly, projected to grow; and secondly, associated with a lot of privilege in the Global North."
