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Items tagged with: chatGPT

So... I got unlocked for the "new" Bing. Started with a simple question and wanted to have a short conversation with it.

But somehow Bing didn't quite want to believe me that we live in 2023. 🤷

#Bing #AI #ChatGPT

Award-winning science fiction author Ted Chiang (who has a CS degree, btw) has a new article in the New Yorker on ChatGPT. He makes an interesting analogy for what it does to lossy compression of the text from which its LLM was created. #AI #LLM #ChatGPT

You should be able to exercise your #GDPR #DataRights directly in the chat prompt. “I want to access all the personal data you have on me after your verify my identity” “ok thanks, now delete it from your model, and untrain yourself on it” #SyntheticMedia #ChatGPT

Strap in folks --- we have a blog post from @sundarpichai at @google about their response to #ChatGPT to unpack!

#MathyMath #AIHype

ChatGPT gets treated like technological magic, but that ignores the humans behind the curtain that make it function.

OpenAI paid Sama to hire Kenyan workers at $1.32 to $2 an hour to review “child sexual abuse, bestiality, murder, suicide, torture, self harm, and incest” content. Their work made the tool less toxic, but left them mentally scarred. The company ended the contract when they found out TIME was digging into their practices.

#tech #chatgpt #ai

"Especially in this moment in history, it is vital that we provide our students with the critical thinking skills that will allow them to recognise misleading claims made by tech companies and understand the limits and risks of hyped and harmful technology that is made mainstream at a dazzling speed and on a frightening scale."

Excellent call to action by @Iris

#AIhype #MathyMath #AI #ML #ChatGPT

I've been playing with #ChatGPT a lot since it came out on November 30th. A few days ago, I decided to have a bit of a conversation with it about the threat it might pose to the future of digital #accessibility.

The resulting conversation surprised me beyond anything I could ever imagine. Why don't you take a look? :)

It is kinda fun to ask #ChatGPT to draw things as an #SVG. The SVG structure is pretty good, but the actual images are pretty useless. Least right now. I imagine this will change substantially in 2023.

Interesting to be able to assemble simple icon libraries with this technology in 2023.

I just wrote a song with lyrics and chords supplied by #ChatGPT!

Recorded it for you, enjoy!

The prompt:
"Create an emo song with lyrics and guitar chords that evoke sadness and loneliness. Make the chorus have different chords than the verses."

Verse 1:
Lost and alone
Am D
In this cold world
My heart is a stone
Am D
No one to hold

Emptiness fills me
Loneliness chokes me
I am fading away
In my own misery

(There's more but no room)

#AI #Musician #Music

"Here’s the thing, though: the system will frequently give the wrong answers * the real skill in the homework assignment will be in verifying the answers the system churns out — learning how to be a verifier and an editor, instead of a regurgitator.

What is compelling about this new skillset is that it isn’t simply a capability that will be increasingly important in an AI-dominated world: it’s a skillset that is incredibly valuable today. "

#chatgpt #openai #ai

With #Galactica and #ChatGPT I'm seeing people again getting excited about the prospect of using language models to "access knowledge" (i.e. instead of search engines). They are not fit for that purpose --- both because they are designed to just make shit up and because they don't support information literacy. Chirag Shah and I lay this out in detail in our CHIIR 2022 paper:


thanks @unlkfp for the idea:

ChatGPT writes a Bible verse about the Secure Boot controvosy.


ChatGPT writes a Bible verse explaining how to exit Vim.

#vim #chatgpt #ai

Last night, I collaborated with the #ChatGPT #AI to create a visual simulated world of bugs.

The experience was fascinating, felt like magic, and reaffirmed for me how much humans matter in the creative process.

I've written about this #project, going over my thoughts, showing a demo, and giving a detailed step-by-step of how we built this, together:

Source code:


I asked ChatGPT to write a song from a techbro's perspective, about accessibility. You'll love the result 😆 #accessibility #ChatGPT

I asked #ChatGPT to rewrite Bohemian Rhapsody to be about the life of a postdoc, and the output was flawless.
