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Items tagged with: gafam

that. #gafam force you into paths you never wanted to enter. then they say, as you've chosen this path, you have to i.e. create a video showing that you app fulfils weird compliance rules. keeping devs busy for days with #bullshit. all for the user, of course

I mantain a couple of #Android applications both on @fdroidorg and #google #playstore . Now Play Store asks me a document (personal ID card) to verify my account, otherwise it will be closed in October.
I don’t feel I should disclose #personaldata to a giant like Google, so I’m considering migrating my users to #F-Droid. How should I do it? There's already other people doing this? There's any material (e.g. a webpage) to point my users at that explains why and how they should install #fdroid and reinstall my apps from there?

#gafam #opensource #mobile #mobileapps

Is this good or bad news? I hope this will not lead to any dependency anytime in the future.

In the end this money came from violating the rights of a lot of individuals, selling their data whereever possible to the highest bidder and driving surveillance capitalism further.

I do not want to judge over taking it or not, but I'd love to see a discussion about the freedom in and of Debian and colaborating with #gafam and the possible dangers arising from it.
