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Items tagged with: http3

Kaboom. tatsuhiro just made #http3 transfers in #curl about 39% faster…

A refreshed #curl #HTTP3 backends image as of today.

It has not gotten easier.


- I marked the recommended/experimental columns
- quiche supports "the family"
- we require OpenSSL 3.3 for their QUIC stack

Yday I first talked #http3 at #webbhuset at a lovely and well organized event. Then I walked over to #securityfest where I met lots of more friends. Received so much appreciation and love all day. Gave away enormous amounts of curl stickers. Had a blast.

I'll take the train over to #Gothenburg tomorrow and talk #http3…

#http3 use right now:

Firefox beta 121: 28% of all HTTP

w3techs: 29.7% of the top-1M websites

Cloudflare: 30.0% of monitored web traffic

There's now an abstract provided for my #http3 talk in #Gothenburg on May 30 and even a few available seats left:…

Protocol geeks might like the new proposals on how to do #QUIC over TCP/TLS:… (called Streams) and then how to do #http3 over Streams:…

Discussed on the #HTTPbis mailing list.

In November last year I talked about #http3 at the oredev conference. The video recording from that is now available:…

The updated #curl #http3 backends map.

What do you mean complicated? 😀

The #curl #http3 and #quic support egg.

(also from my coming Friday talk)

How much of the web is doing HTTP/3 *right now* ?

27% of Firefox HTTP responses use HTTP/3

27% of the top web sites support HTTP/3

(sources: and

#web #http3

I’m amazed there is that much #http3 in use already!

Ah, so delightfully optimised for people farming you’d almost think Google wrote it!

#peopleFarming #surveillanceCapitalism #web #standards #protocols #http #http3