Items tagged with: ixd
11 HTML best practices for login & sign-up forms… #webdesign #UIDesign #ixd #UXDesign #forms #html
11 HTML best practices for login & sign-up forms—Martian Chronicles, Evil Martians’ team blog
Even popular sites fail to implement the 11 best practices mentioned in this article, and thus have at least one mistake. Use this checklist on your next pull request review that deals with any form.Andrey Sitnik (Evil Martians)
This is pretty cool 👉 [Star] Rating Slider Example by WAI… #webdev #ixd #a11y
Rating Slider Example
Accessibility resources free online from the international standards organization: W3C Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI).W3C Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) (Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI))
Link + Disclosure Widget Navigation… by @aardrian #webdev #webdesign #ixd #a11y… by @aardrian #webdev #webdesign #ixd #a11y
Link + Disclosure Widget Navigation
Early in 2017 I filed an issue against WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices (APG) requesting a change to the menu navigation pattern. Despite a great deal of feedback in agreement, it languished.Adrian Roselli
The Many Benefits of Annotating Your Wireframes…
#webdesign #wireframes #uxd #ixd #uiDesign…
#webdesign #wireframes #uxd #ixd #uiDesign
The Many Benefits of Annotating Your Wireframes | Adobe XD Ideas
Learn how to take your wireframes one step further with annotations. We'll cover when & how to use them as well as how to prioritize what gets annotated.Ideas
"Regardless of what accessibility conformance level you target, do not arbitrarily open links in a new window or tab. If you are required to do so anyway, inform users in visible text."… via @aardrian #UIDesign #IXD #a11y #links #wcag #tips
Link Targets and 3.2.5
TL;DR: Regardless of what accessibility conformance level you target, do not arbitrarily open links in a new window or tab. If you are required to do so anyway, inform users in visible text.Adrian Roselli