Items tagged with: uidesign


Items tagged with: uidesign

The incompetent designer of this webpage doesn't know the difference difference between a damn checkbox and a radio button.

If you're gonna design (or develop for that matter) for the web, please learn the basics.

#webdesign #UIDesign #forms #FFS

Sensitive content

The eBay accessibility team is doing some great things!

Figma plugin:…

Video Tutorials:…

About the Include plugin:…

#a11y #ebay #figma #webdesign #uiDesign

I'm just going to say it. Whoever designed the new notifications layout and design for Mastodon needs to go back to the drawing board (and UI design school). In some cases, esp if you start off with a tag, it looks and works horribly. (desktop view). Way worse than the old way just a month or two ago.

#mastodon #fediverse #design #uidesign

1 year ago I switched from Mac to Linux for professional UX design work. In this article, I explain as simply as possible:
- Why I switched to Linux
- How you can do the same.

I cover design-specific concerns like:
- How to use Apple devices like the Magic Mouse in Linux
- Which design tools are available and how to install them
- How to find help if you get stuck…

#Design #UXDesign #UIDesign #Linux #MacOS

Do you want to help make AntennaPod ready for the future? And do you have experience (or talent) in the domain of UX and/or UI design?

We're looking for folks to help us with embedding new innovative features on our player screen!

All details & contact options here👇…

#OpenSourceDesign #UX #UI #FOSS #OpenSourceContributions #Penpot #wireframes #volunteer #SummerProject #UXdesign #UIdesign

Made good progress this weekend on #IconBear , my upcoming open-source icon manager for Linux.

* Install pre-packaged icon sets to quickly start building your library.
* Icons are automatically categorised as "Outline", "Filled", "Duotone" or "Color" when you import them.
* Icons are loaded asynchronously, for improved performance.

Once work on importing, deleting and filtering sets is finished, I'll be looking to release the app 🙌

#GTK #GNOME #UIDesign #Design

Did you notice? We have almost 5.000 followers!
Now we're wondering: might we find among you (or your network) two experienced UX/UI designers who are willing to engage in a 6-month volunteer project? We need to come up with a way to fit a bunch of new functionality into the already busy player screen. We're looking for two people (one for each role) to help us with this.
Interested? More info? Send a DM or email
Boosts appreciated!
#UXdesign #UIdesign #OpenSource

Related: 4 examples of web-accessible date pickers...



U.S. Web Design System…

Tommy Feldt:…

#date #calendar #UIDesign #webdesign #webdev #a11y

4 design principles I use every day to avoid bad UX and create products that work for everyone (by Adam Silver)…

Principle 1: Good design works for everyone

Principle 2: Good design makes things obvious

Principle 3: Good design puts users in control

Principle 4: Good design is lightweight

#UXDesign #UIDesign #webdesign