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Items tagged with: meme


This is a great meme!

Edit: seems that due to my configuration error I couldn’t see the Alt Text. I’m troubleshooting.


This happens during interview.
Interviewer(I): We offer a competitive salary.
Candidate(C): How much?
I: Don't worry, it's competitive. What skills do you have?
C: I have amazing skills.
I: Great. Can you tell me more?
C: Don't worry, they're amazing.

#accessibility web #meme . Make it more friendly to #screenReader users

I do not know who made this meme, bit it's my favourite.

#christmas #meme #Spirk

Probably my personal favourite one is this extremely text heavy Simpsons #meme.
I love it because it suddenly questions our assumptions of how normal it is to move about our cities, and it also highlights how wasteful and inefficient #cars are.
Our cities can be very quiet and clean if we move in our feet, or bikes or scooters.
Cars are noisy dangerous and dirty. We should make cities where we need to use them as little as possible.