Items tagged with: quicksy


Items tagged with: quicksy

My grandmother recently got locked out of #WhatsApp because her phone broke, and the spare one we had on hand is one WhatsApp has decided is too old to run on 💀

Fortunately, #XMPP has no such qualms! She's currently keeping up with the family group chat on #Quicksy while others of us use #Conversations, #DinoIM, and #Gajim. (Of course, extended family and friends are another matter 😔)

This serves as a reminder that closed apps may close you out—but open protocols have your back forever! :xmpp:

#Prav project started 3 years ago with the goal of mass adoption of private messaging powered by #XMPP and democratic decision-making. The project was inspired by #Quicksy and #Snikket.

Read more at…

Today, I am glad to announce our first edition of #PravConf in #Kochi, #India. Join us on the 1st and the 2nd of March.

Don't forget to spread the word😜

More details at

#coop #FreeSoftware #opensource

Everybody can bring some people to #xmpp and help the network grow. There are also @snikket_im (easy to selfhost server for an invitation based friends and family server) and #quicksy (xmpp with phone no. ID for friends who want a WhatsApp/signal experience) which make that quite easy.

WhatsApp kopieren - aber richtig! (Datengarten #94)

In den fünf Jahren seines Bestehens setzt der Android Jabber/XMPP client immer wieder Maßstäbe in Sachen Bedienbarkeit und Zuverlässigkeit. Doch was steckt eigentlich dahinter? Nutzen wir die Gelegenheit um mit dem Entwickler zusammen hinter die Kulissen eines neuen Features zu schauen; Wie tief muss man in die XMPP Trickkiste greifen und wo steht sich XMPP manchmal selber im Weg? Nach der Vorstellung des Features (der Vortrag ist gleichzeitig der Zeitpunkt an dem die neue Version veröffentlicht wird) geht es jedoch nicht nur um XMPP sondern auch um grundsätzliche, architektonische Fragen die sich potentiell auf andere Instant Messaging Dienste übertragen lassen.

Der Datengarten ist eine regelmäßige Veranstaltung des CCC Berlin.

Today I discovered #Quicksy. It's a spin-off of the #XMPP app "Conversations(.)im", developed by the same people, but designed with ease of use in mind. It actually links with and uses your phone number to sign in so it's easy to on-board new users, and easy for new users to find people in their contacts list that already use it. But, it is just a standard XMPP client, so it is still capable of communicating back and forth with people on other XMPP / #Jabber servers.

@ErcanErdemArdal Oh, I realise you were probably talking about #quicksy and not slidge in this toot, sorry about that. Yes, Quicksy JIDs (#XMPP addresses) look like, so if you want an XMPP account not linked to your phone number, do not use Quicksy but rather #conversations or forks like cheogram or blabber.
I also don't like to see my phone number in my JID *but* a lot of users appreciate it. It makes the user experience closer to whatsapp, signal, telegram, etc.