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Items tagged with: sourceHut

Cool stuff, #Fediverse ...

#SearchHut 🔎

"SearchHut is a curated free software #SearchEngine developed and operated by #SourceHut."

"SearchHut indexes from a curated set of domains." 🤩

"In the future, it will be expanded to support narrowing down your search terms by applicable tags (e.g. #docs #python), filtering for sites with and without #JavaScript, searching specific sites (e.g., and other features." 🚀

Loving this 💖

@Humane Tech Now @Loïc Dachary I think nobody will move off of # as long as there is no # support in any of the # alternatives!

As soon as there is, I think people will start moving away. Not many, but some. Federation is a must-have, because otherwise creating accounts just for reporting a bug is just too much of a task for the average user and sometimes even for more "advanced" users. I certainly would be much happier if I could just use my own instance and create a bugreport/issue/etc on some project hosted somewhere else!

Of course, # does already provide everything we would need. Also, Email is THE workflow with # IMO. But I acknowledge that its just not enough for most users and they want some kind of # and bling-bling website like github. I do not blame them.
