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Items tagged with: substack

@molly0xfff's post on migrating from Substack by self hosting is a master piece in clear communication. This is how you cover a complex issue without glossing over details due to hindsight while also not making the topic sound more daunting. A great example of building stairs and elevators after you've climbed instead of pulling the ladder. Highly recommend reading even if you're not in the newsletter sending game.

#Substack #SelfHosting #NewsLetter #Ghost

More than 100 writers (and still counting) have written an open letter to the founders of Substack asking why they are so keen to platformβ€”and help payβ€”Nazis:

#substack #nazis

Quick #introduction & #firstpost.

Twitter is doing my head in with
- Algorithm changes
- Limiting external links to #substack etc

Through reading a blog I ended up here looking for change and the future of social DEX platforms.

I welcome your TIPS in being here.

- CC

Way back in 2021, I called out #Substack as a scam because it was masquerading as a service provider when it fact it was paying certain writers (often secretly) to create content for them. ( They had an editorial mission and a paid writing staff, but claimed to be a neutral service provider like Etsy for authors. Here's how that story is going ...

sup y'all - twitter addict here wanting to do an #

I'm a comedian, writer, and actor, interests are # # # # # # # # #

also a # - I made my own digital series called Distance about a long distance relationship where you as the audience get to pick which side you want to watch first:

I'm also from # (born there, moved to US when I was seven) and live in # now.
