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Items tagged with: syncthing

I wrote "Building an #Asynchronous, Internet-Optional Instant Messaging System" today. It suggests using #DeltaChat (@delta) across an #email system that can run on non-IP networks to achieve #IM coverage without having to have an Internet backbone, using things like #NNCP, #Syncthing, #Filespooler, and such. I love the ways we can combine interesting tools like this!

VLC on Android isn't a good choice for playing audiobooks. It loses a few seconds when trying to change playback speed. Also, it doesn't understand a folder of audio files as one book.

I switched to AudioAnchor from F-Droid. It doesn't suffer from the above two issues. However, it expects a folder for each book, even if it's a single file.

I have a Syncthing folder for Audiobooks now, holding only the current ones.

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