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DebConf25 to be held in Brest, France. Hope to see you all there for the most amazing wine and CHEESE party ever!!! Some Debian Development may also occur at said event. :)… #debconf #debian #debconf24 #debconf25 #debianfrance #debiankorea… #debian

DebConf25 to be held in Brest, France. Hope to see you all there for the most amazing wine and CHEESE party ever!!! Some Debian Development may also occur at said event. :)… #debian #debconf24 #debconf25 #debianfrance #debiankorea

Huston: KeyTrap! #LWN

InstallFest má program, proběhne už tento víkend…

TIL: a former Italian porn star, Carlo Massi, quit porn to do research in applied mathematics, got his PhD, taught real analysis, became a professor, and then got sacked for being a former porn star. He sued and won against the university.…
#til #todayilearned…

⚖️ Dreaming of a career at the European Court of Justice? Now's your chance! #ECJ paid traineeships await in Members' chambers or administrative departments.

🎥 It can be an enriching and rewarding experience, but don’t just take our word for it. Some of our recent trainees are here to tell you all about what they enjoyed about their traineeship and offer tips on applying.

🗓️ Apply: 1 Feb - 15 Apr

❗ Apply now 👉 https :// 🌐 #ECJTraineeships #LegalCareer

in reply to Juan CBS

Pues me lo estoy pensando. Pero supongo que me quedaré por aquí por comodidad. Eso sí, voy a mirar si sigo teniendo cuenta en EPSO (el sistema de selección de personal europeo) y prestar algo más de atención a las convocatorias.

14,925,243 accounts
+534 in the last hour
+10,954 in the last day
+70,293 in the last week

14,915,850 accounts
+535 in the last hour
+10,219 in the last day
+68,144 in the last week

14,915,315 accounts
+504 in the last hour
+10,114 in the last day
+68,111 in the last week

14,905,201 accounts
+505 in the last hour
+10,292 in the last day
+65,828 in the last week

Přihlaste přednášku na Den IPv6, který proběhne 6. června…

We are not short of MiniDebConfs this year! From March 9th to 10th MiniDebConf Santa Fe will take place in Argentina. For more info, see…
in reply to Debian

What’s with the duplicate posts? Two feeds seem to be posting automatically the same news... 🤔

14,884,214 accounts
+593 in the last hour
+10,452 in the last day
+63,052 in the last week

14,883,621 accounts
+505 in the last hour
+10,357 in the last day
+62,775 in the last week

Súd zamietol žalobu Esetu na Ľuboša Blahu, ktorý o ňom šíril, že je napojený na CIA

Boj proti dezinformáciám a ich šíriteľom je behom na dlhé trate, reaguje firma. Proti rozhodnutiu sa plánuje odvolať.…

Ok, so I'm a few days late, but I have been using my new OnePlus 6 with #GNOME Shell mobile and #postmarketOS, aside from a few issues (the camera not working, but that's being worked on, GPS not really working, weird "Headphones" and "Earpiece" outputs showing, GNOME being a bit laggy, mobile data randomly stops), I have switched my SIM card over and it surprisingly hasn't been too bad.

Maybe I'll try #KDE #Plasma Mobile soon as well :D

- Written from my OnePlus 6

14,873,264 accounts
+526 in the last hour
+9,651 in the last day
+62,960 in the last week

⚖️ Dreaming of a career at the European Court of Justice? Now's your chance! #ECJ paid traineeships await in Members' chambers or administrative departments.

🎥 It can be an enriching and rewarding experience, but don’t just take our word for it. Some of our recent trainees are here to tell you all about what they enjoyed about their traineeship and offer tips on applying.

🗓️ Apply: 1 Feb - 15 Apr

❗ Apply now 👉… 🌐 #ECJTraineeships #LegalCareer

The 64-bit time_t transition is now in progress in unstable, preparing Debian to deal with the "Year 2038 Problem".… #debian

#2899 Goodhart's Law

Sensitive content

Series C, Episode 05 - The Harvest of Kairos

VILA: How?
AVON: You're the expert. Cally, get Dayna. B7B8

Celebrating the legacy of Bob Marley

Trevor Nelson presents an orchestral reimagining of Bob Marley’s greatest hits.…

(c) #BBC #News

#News #bbc

SCaLE, the largest community-run open-source and free software conference in North America, will take place for the 21st time on March 14-17, 2024 in Pasadena, CA, USA. Dima Kogan and other Debian enthusiasts will be representing Debian with a booth again. Use the "DEB50" promo code to get a discount. Come by and say hi!…… #debian

SCaLE, the largest community-run open-source and free software conference in North America, will take place for the 21st time on March 14-17, 2024 in Pasadena, CA, USA. Dima Kogan and other Debian enthusiasts will be representing Debian with a booth again. Use
the "DEB50" promo code to get a discount. Come by and say hi!…


Debian selected to participate in Google Summer of Code 2024. Exciting list of projects at…

Nvidia's Hotly Anticipated Earnings May 'Trigger' Bitcoin and Crypto Correction, Analyst Says - 'The most important stock on Earth' could disappoint on a weak PC market and AI saturatio... -… #artificialintelligence #markets #bitcoin #nvidia #news #nvda #btc #ai
in reply to Crypto News

Is there any chance we can encourage you to trend #NVIDIA when that's the company you mean, please? I know what their NASDAQ handle is, but #NVDA is much more widely known as the name of the screen reader we make and the #NVDA hashtag is very widely used for the screen reader. It will save both our communities polluting each other's feeds. If you'd like to find out more about the screen reader, our website is - Thank you!

Bcachefs Receives Funding By NLNet With NGI Zero Grant

The Bcachefs file-system that was mainlined to the Linux kernel last year has received a grant from the NLNet Foundation...…

Series B, Episode 07 - Killer

AVON: Keep an eye on the corridor.
INTERCOM: Attention! All personnel are instructed to remain at their posts. The situation is under control. B7B6

#ECJ: A fixed-term worker must be informed of the reasons for the termination of his or her #EmploymentContract with a notice period where the provision of such information is required for a permanent worker 👉…

Debian Edu is nearing completion for release, at 52% completion the documentation still needs translation updates for most languages. Can you help and contribute for your langauge?…… #debian