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Guide to Set Up Remote Desktop (RDP) With Xrdp on Debian 12…

Linux basename Command Tutorial for Beginners (With Examples)…

New Raspberry Pi OS Release Brings Many UI Improvements and New Settings…

How to Host a Website With Apache & SSL on Debian 12…

The Symbolic Species: The Co-evolution of Language and the Brain by Terrence W. Deacon . #hachybots #books #livres #libros #bookstodon

“Are you OK, dressed like that? You don't seem to notice the cold.”

“I haven't come ten thousand miles to discuss the weather, Mr Moberly.”

— Moberly and the Doctor, in “The Seeds of Doom”

#DoctorWho #quote #quotation

“I have failed!”

“What's it like?”

— Davros and the Doctor, in “Destiny of the Daleks”

#DoctorWho #quote #quotation

Bits from the DPL (June 2024)… #debian #dpl… #debian

On Holiday in Spain. Wife's just ordered an Omelette with Tomato. But she pronounced it like an American, who even is she? Our marriage is a lie.

in reply to WDR (inoffiziell)

Wenn ich schon lese "..wurden ein elfjähriger Junge und seine 15-jährige Schwester von einem schnell fahrenden Auto erfasst." schwillt mir der Kamm, steigt mir die Zornesröte ins Gesicht und ich rege mich tierisch auf!

NEIN! Sie wurden von einem jugendlichen Raser mit seinem PKW schlichtweg über den Haufen gefahren. Wann gewöhnt ihr euch mal an, Klartext zu schreiben, Ross und Reiter in aller Deutlichkeit zu benennen?!?1?!1 Es ist auch - sorry, aber ICH schreibe Klartext - scheißegal, ob es sich um einen 3er BWW oder um eine Nuckelpinne handelt. Oder sollen jetzt alle 3er BMW in sippenhaft genommen werden? Beiträge wie der von Herrn Westerhoff lenken die Sicht - absichtlich? - in eine falsche Richtung, lenken vom tatsächlichen Problem ab!

#automobilegewalt #verkehrswende #visionzero #journalismusdesgrauens

You have no idea how many petty grudges you still hold until you have to name a child. Holly? Bitch. Lauren? Bitch. Bethany? Stuck up bitch. These are all from elementary school.

Today in 1996, 28 years ago: in Los Angeles (United States), the Indian computer scientist Sabir Bhatia (27) launches the website, the first free email. A year and a half later (on December 31, 1997) he will sell it to the Microsoft company for 400 million US dollars.


K@ty: Что такое любовь?
Drone: Если проводить аналогии с беспроводными сетями это то ограничение в протоколе, которое не позволяет адаптерам постоянно менять точку доступа в сети с роумингом при приблизительно равной мощьности сигнала от двух и более точек...

TIL that if you drive at 45 mph on a specific stretch of Route 66 in New Mexico, the road's rumble strips will play 'America the Beautiful.'…
#til #todayilearned…

Khronos reshared this.

There is no need for a butter knife, it's a cutlery scam. The teaspoon can do everything a butter knife can and better. Teaspoons maybe one of the top ten implements we have.

Japan's government has finally eliminated the use of floppy disks in all its systems, after scrapping over 1,000 regulations governing their use (Rocky Swift/Reuters)……

Booting Linux off of Google Drive

On the brink of insanity, my tattered mind unable to comprehend the twisted interplay of millennia of arcane programmer-time and the ragged screech of madness, I reached into the Mass and steeled myself to the ground lest I be pulled in, and found my magnum opus.

Booting Linux off of a Google Drive root.
↫ Ersei

That's not... You shouldn't... Why would...…


TIL legend has it that brownies were created accidentally by a forgetful baker who forgot to add baking powder to a chocolate cake batter…
#til #todayilearned…

“I see, you're one of those boring maniacs who's going to gloat, hm? You going to tell me your plan for running the universe?”

“Oh no, Doctor. I'm going to burn out your brain, very slowly.”

— The Doctor and Dask, in “The Robots of Death”

#DoctorWho #quote #quotation

Bits from the DPL…

Instead of giving small businesses shitty reviews on Google for the world to see, why not contact them to discuss & them a chance to address your grievances? Unless of course it makes you feel important trashing small businesses - then you're a cunt of the highest order

“I don't believe it. It's bigger inside than out!”

“Yes, the TARDIS is dimensionally transcendental.”

“What does that mean?”

“It means it's bigger inside than out.”

— Jo and the Doctor, in “Colony in Space”

#DoctorWho #quote #quotation

Nový cíl Decathlonu? Nejen prodávat, ale i půjčovat vysněná kola…

“Do I have to order you, Doctor?”

“I wouldn't advise it.”

— The Brigadier and the Doctor, in “The Green Death”

#DoctorWho #quote #quotation

“You've got the century wrong, you've got the season wrong, and you've got K9's seawater defences wrong!”

“Well, I can't get everything right.”

“Just *something* would be a help.”

— Romana and the Doctor, in “The Leisure Hive”

#DoctorWho #quote #quotation

BBC News: Energy prices fall but relief may be temporary

A new price cap from energy regulator Ofgem takes effect but bills are likely to rise again before winter.…

BBC News: UK planning laws deter investment, says drugs giant

Dave Ricks says he had considered building a factory in the UK, but chose another country instead.…

Парламент Грузии в первом чтении одобрил запрет «пропаганды ЛГБТ»

Парламент Грузии принял в первом чтении законопроект о запрете «пропаганды ЛГБТ».…

CNN hosted a fact-free debate. The losers are U.S. voters…

PC Gamer just posted:

This Skyrim mod makes tableware so gloriously beautiful I can't stop staring at it

I might actually stop kicking it off the table and onto the floor every time I run through a dining room.…


Being tired is not a badge of honor. It doesn't make you more worthy, it just means you're tired.

Would you mind not standing on my chest? My hat's on fire.

— The Doctor, in “The Androids of Tara”

#DoctorWho #quote #quotation

“Look at him! He's got 'archaeologist' written all over him!”

“Really? Does it show?”

— Viner and the Doctor, in “Tomb of the Cybermen”

#DoctorWho #quote #quotation

Today is nonidi, 9 Messidor in year CCXXXII of the Republic. Today is dedicated to Absinthe.

How Google and others have carefully rewritten their terms and conditions to include words like AI, as tech companies look to train their AI models on user data (Eli Tan/New York Times)……