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5 Best Open-Source Firewall Distributions…

Der neue britische Premierminister Starmer hat einer Zeitung zufolge am ersten Tag seiner Amtszeit den umstrittenen Plan der konservativen Vorgängerregierung gestoppt, illegal eingewanderte Menschen nach Ruanda abzuschieben.

Guide to Set Up Remote Desktop (RDP) With Xrdp on Debian 12…

Linux basename Command Tutorial for Beginners (With Examples)…

New Raspberry Pi OS Release Brings Many UI Improvements and New Settings…

How to Host a Website With Apache & SSL on Debian 12…

Bits from the DPL (June 2024)… #debian #dpl… #debian

in reply to WDR (inoffiziell)

Wenn ich schon lese "..wurden ein elfjähriger Junge und seine 15-jährige Schwester von einem schnell fahrenden Auto erfasst." schwillt mir der Kamm, steigt mir die Zornesröte ins Gesicht und ich rege mich tierisch auf!

NEIN! Sie wurden von einem jugendlichen Raser mit seinem PKW schlichtweg über den Haufen gefahren. Wann gewöhnt ihr euch mal an, Klartext zu schreiben, Ross und Reiter in aller Deutlichkeit zu benennen?!?1?!1 Es ist auch - sorry, aber ICH schreibe Klartext - scheißegal, ob es sich um einen 3er BWW oder um eine Nuckelpinne handelt. Oder sollen jetzt alle 3er BMW in sippenhaft genommen werden? Beiträge wie der von Herrn Westerhoff lenken die Sicht - absichtlich? - in eine falsche Richtung, lenken vom tatsächlichen Problem ab!

#automobilegewalt #verkehrswende #visionzero #journalismusdesgrauens

TIL that if you drive at 45 mph on a specific stretch of Route 66 in New Mexico, the road's rumble strips will play 'America the Beautiful.'…
#til #todayilearned…

Khronos reshared this.

Japan's government has finally eliminated the use of floppy disks in all its systems, after scrapping over 1,000 regulations governing their use (Rocky Swift/Reuters)……

Booting Linux off of Google Drive

On the brink of insanity, my tattered mind unable to comprehend the twisted interplay of millennia of arcane programmer-time and the ragged screech of madness, I reached into the Mass and steeled myself to the ground lest I be pulled in, and found my magnum opus.

Booting Linux off of a Google Drive root.
↫ Ersei

That's not... You shouldn't... Why would...…


TIL legend has it that brownies were created accidentally by a forgetful baker who forgot to add baking powder to a chocolate cake batter…
#til #todayilearned…

Bits from the DPL…

Program slovenské RTVS (teď už STVR) Dvojka na úterní večer.

in reply to Von Xylofon

@vonxylofon Danko sa už vôbec "necíti" keby mohol povedať povie aj iné veci ale zatiaľ sú za hranou (čo za nedlho už hrana nebude možno žiadna).

Nový cíl Decathlonu? Nejen prodávat, ale i půjčovat vysněná kola…
in reply to Archos

@archos Však se nic neděje. Kdybys byl nasranej na každýho, kdo nemá čistý svědomí, umřel bys hlady 😂 Ale připomínat jim to můžeme 😈

BBC News: Energy prices fall but relief may be temporary

A new price cap from energy regulator Ofgem takes effect but bills are likely to rise again before winter.…

BBC News: UK planning laws deter investment, says drugs giant

Dave Ricks says he had considered building a factory in the UK, but chose another country instead.…

Die Frage auf welcher Seite die Polizei stehe wird von vielen als ungebührlich empfunden. Das ist bemerkenswert, denn der Kreisparteitag der Grünen war wegen einer Handvoll gewaltbereiter Traktoren nicht durchführbar–gestern waren 70.000 Menschen die den AFD Parteitag verhindern wollten kein Problem. Das Bedenkliche ist nicht, dass man diese Frage im Einzelfall stellen kann. Das bedenkliche ist, dass man diese Frage nicht stellen muss, weil die Polizei sie wieder und wieder von selbst aufwirft.
This entry was edited (4 months ago)

Парламент Грузии в первом чтении одобрил запрет «пропаганды ЛГБТ»

Парламент Грузии принял в первом чтении законопроект о запрете «пропаганды ЛГБТ».…

in reply to Martin Kubicek

to určite. Dnes už väčšiu kktinu neuvidím ale nechvál ráno pred večerom.
This entry was edited (4 months ago)

CNN hosted a fact-free debate. The losers are U.S. voters…

PC Gamer just posted:

This Skyrim mod makes tableware so gloriously beautiful I can't stop staring at it

I might actually stop kicking it off the table and onto the floor every time I run through a dining room.…


Today is nonidi, 9 Messidor in year CCXXXII of the Republic. Today is dedicated to Absinthe.

How Google and others have carefully rewritten their terms and conditions to include words like AI, as tech companies look to train their AI models on user data (Eli Tan/New York Times)……

TIL: This year Arizona signed a bill making Pluto the official state planet. Arizona legislators said Pluto was downgraded due to jealous Europeans. Arizona discovered it whereas all prior planets were discovered by Europeans. The bill was a bipartisan effort.…
#til #todayilearned…

table-transformer - Table Transformer (TATR) is a deep learning model for extracting tables from unstructured documents (PDFs and images). This is also the official repository for the PubTables-1M dataset and GriTS evaluation metric.…

Looking for the artwork for Trixie the next Debian release…

Konec dobíhání autobusů a čekání na zastávkách. V Česku se rozjíždí „MHD na míru“

Startup Citya zavádí nový typ veřejné dopravy – lidé si pomocí aplikace objednají mikrobus, který je zaveze, kam potřebují. A za téměř stejné peníze jako stojí jízdenka na MHD. Koncept se ujal v Česku i zahraničí.…

in reply to

Ta case study v Ricanech ten celej koncept pomerne dobre vystihuje. Mesicni prijmy 24k, to je min nez pulka platu jednoho ridice.

Kdyz jezdi 4h denne (mimo vikendu) a mesto prispeje na benzin, tak to nejak fungovat muze, no.

Ale Pepa se nesmi hodit marod.

CISA confirms hackers may have accessed data from chemical facilities during January incident

The agency found no evidence that hackers exfiltrated information but noted the intrusion “may have resulted in the potential unauthorized access”...

🔗️ [Therecord]

Linux 6.10-rc5 Released With This Kernel Cycle Looking Good So Far

Linus Torvalds has just tagged Linux 6.10-rc5 as the newest weekly test release leading up to the Linux 6.10 stable release by mid-July...…

Update on Newton, the Wayland-native accessibility project

There's incredibly good news for people who use accessibility tools on Linux, but who were facing serious, gamebreaking problems when trying to use Wayland. Matt Campbell, of the GNOME accessibility team, has been hard at work on an entirely new accessibility architecture for modern free desktops, and he's got some impre…


reshared this

Detecting hallucinations in large language models using semantic entropy…

The tiny chip that powers Montreal subway tickets
