‼️ Al Jazeera is blocked in #Israel since 5th May 2024.
The block is implemented via DNS tampering on at least three networks in the country.
Learn more on our Censorship Findings page: explorer.ooni.org/findings/627…
OONI Explorer - Israel blocks Al-Jazeera following decision to suspend its services
This report shares OONI data on the blocking of Al-Jazeera's services in Israel in May 2024.explorer.ooni.org
Khronos reshared this.
Finally got a copy of the "Appt Accessibility Handbook"! Loving it! Thanks Quintin!
Looks awesome @janjaapdegroot and Paul! Great job!
You can head to appt.org/en/handbook for downloading a pdf version or ordering a printed copy like this one!
App accessibility handbook | Appt
Our handbook is designed to make it straightforward to learn about app accessibility.appt.org
On Independence Day, the New York Times ran an op-ed by a literal right-wing monarchist insisting it's bad to vote and people shouldn't do it.
Also, public records confirm he does vote. He just doesn't want *you* to.
If you needed any further evidence that their "Biden must go" coverage is rooted in hatred of democracy, this should be it.
"Always at my PC, double-clickin' on my mizouse"
"What kinda chip you got in there, a Dorito?"
"You could back up your whole hard drive on a floppy diskette"
🙄 🤣 🎵
"Weird Al" Yankovic - It's All About The Pentiums (Official HD Video)
Music video by "Weird Al" Yankovic performing It's All About The Pentiums. YouTube view counts pre-VEVO: 73,860 (C) 1999 Volcano Entertainment lll, LLCYouTube
Nečekám tedy že potkám schody, úsek kde musím kolo vést a podobně...
Ještě pochopím dočasné stavební omezení, ale tohle nechápu.
It's still hard to believe that cheetah's meow
Twitter accessibility issue and a temporary workaround - Accessible Android
In this post we will try to explain the accessibility issue on Twitter and will offer you a permanent solution.Salih Kunduz (Accessible Android)
Remembering Brandon Cole - Can I Play That?
Some words from our editor-in-chief on Brandon Cole, an accessibility advocate and consultant who passed away recently.Josh Straub (Can I Play That?)
We're putting out a survey to #Fediverse instance admins, regarding the size, operational costs, and community funding of instances. The survey is very brief, and completely anonymous. We hope to compile this data into a report in the near future.
Huhu Ihr Rechtsextremen aus den Plattenbausiedlungen, Ihr habt Euch über die Bezahlkarte für Geflüchtete gefreut?
Als nächstes kommt sie für die Kindergrundsicherung.
Und dann ist es nur ein Schritt zum Bürgergeld.
Kindergrundsicherung: Erste Details stehen – Ampel plant Überraschung
Um kaum ein Projekt hat die Ampel so gestritten wie um die Kindergrundsicherung. Nach Monaten zeichnet sich im Bundestag nun eine Lösung ab.Johannes Bebermeier (t-online)
@WestphalDenn IT-Projekte mit unlogischen Anforderungen gehen in die Hose.
Hat mit Schwarz-Weiß-Denken nichst zu tun.
Ebenfalls schönen Tag.
taky dobrý
Robert Křesťan a Druhá tráva - bluegrass i rocková klasika živě
Druhá tráva patří už dlouho mezi naše špičky na scéně folku a country. Prosadila se díky nálepce bluegrass, přestože se nikdy nevyhýbala jiným žánrům. Jako t...YouTube
SuspiciousDuck reshared this.
Starting now, there are official curl releases for QNX hosted on the curl.se website
#Lawfare años 30
“El poder judicial desempeñó un papel análogo al de los militares contra la II República”
“Se ha escrito mucho del ruido de sables pero poco del de togas. El Poder Judicial desempeñó un papel análogo al de los militares para acabar con la II República”
Rubén Pérez Trujillano habla en su libro 'Jueces contra la República: el poder judicial frente a las reformas republicanas', del sabotaje judicial que sufrió la II República por parte de la judicatura.
“El poder judicial desempeñó un papel análogo al de los militares contra la II República”
Periodismo libre y de servicio público. Contexto y acción. Suscríbete y defiende la prensa independientectxt.es | Contexto y Acción
Do minúty tri tridsať sa stotožňujem.
Mária Kolíková: Pri takomto valcovaní právneho štátu raz mlieko prekypí
Podpredsedníčka SaS Mária Kolíková vysvetľuje, prečo neakceptuje argumenty Ústavného súdu k novele trestného zákona a v podcaste s Mirom Kernom opisuje, preč...YouTube
Vzkaz, který vešel do dějin. Dosud utajené záběry ukázaly debakl Rusů na ostrově
Záběry ukazují průběh mise, během které kyjevské síly před dvěma lety znovu získaly od Rusů základnu na Hadím ostrově.Michaela Prešinská (Aktuálně.cz)
Meanwhile, back in the US, if the president decides to engage in some money laundering or drug trafficking or murder while in office, our Supreme Court says have at it!
Brazilian police indict ex-President Bolsonaro in undeclared diamonds case, sources say | AP News
Brazilian police indict ex-President Bolsonaro in undeclared diamonds case, sources say
Brazilian police have indicted former President Jair Bolsonaro for money laundering and criminal association in connection with undeclared diamonds the far-right leader received from Saudi Arabia during his time in office, according to a source with …MAURICIO SAVARESE (AP News)
Algorytmy YT podpowiedziały mi film z krótką analizą, czemu muzyka jest coraz gorsza:
1. bo coraz łatwiej ją tworzyć
2. bo coraz łatwiej jej słuchać (za miesiąc dostępu do prawie całej muzyki świata zapłacimy mniej niż za płytę)
Więc de facto nikt jej nie ceni.
The Real Reason Why Music Is Getting Worse
In this episode, I discuss the crisis in music in two acts: Act I - Music is too Easy to MakeAct II - Music is too Easy to Consume...and their cumulative neg...YouTube
Still awake? Done with the kangaroos?
How about pretty cammels?
[Over 40 Camels Disqualified From Beauty Contest After Receiving Botox](people.com/pets/over-40-camels…)
Over 40 Camels Disqualified From Beauty Contest in Saudi Arabia For Receiving Botox Injections
More than 40 camels were disqualified from a beauty contest at the King Abdulaziz Camel Festival for receiving Botox injections and other artificial physical enhancements ahead of the event, according to The Associated PressAbigail Adams (PEOPLE)
reshared this
#accessiblegames #accessiblegaming #blindgaming #bgc #blindgamingclub
Home - Blind Gaming Club
Welcome to the Blind Gaming Club (BGC)—where the fun never stops and neither do the games! Whether you're a button-smashing champ on PlayStation, a joystickAdministrator (Blind Gaming Club)
Updated Windows 11 23 H2 Notepad: NVDA improperly identifies misspelled words at the beginning of lines not where they actually occur:
Updated Windows 11 23 H2 Notepad: NVDA improperly identifies misspelled words at the beginning of lines not where they actually occur · Issue #16819 · nvaccess/nvda
Steps to reproduce: With Windows 11 23 H2 which has the latest updates including Windows Notepad V11.2405.13.0, open Notepad. Type or paste the following paragraph - it has a misspelling error in t...GitHub
We do have to keep ourselves awake, of course. 1 result early doesn't mean the other 649 will appear within minutes. The phrase 'double-pronged penis' is not something one ever really wants to come across, is it? But the article is on my list to stop me drifting off when I've maxed-out on the coffee ...
[Kangaroo genitals are weirder than you ever thought possible | Grist](grist.org/animals/kangaroo-gen…)
Kangaroo genitals are weirder than you ever thought possible
Animal lovers, listen up: Critters are cute and everything, but you should know that nature is fucking weird. And nothing fucks weirder than kangaroos.Jess Zimmerman (Grist)
this public service message was brought to you by chairman mao. i was going to speak but first i had to investigate #praxis marxists.org/reference/archive…
enable persistent history in gdb — wingolog
wingolog: article: enable persistent history in gdbwingolog.org
Missy Hoppe
in reply to David Goldfield • • •